Assassins destroyed this Game

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Jebiga, August 12, 2010.

  1. Jebiga

    Jebiga New Member

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    Ok, i was watching everything quietly but now i registered only for this thread.

    Well yesterday (where i live the game got released yesterday) i started to play this game and was pretty excited about it.

    So i played a few matches and this game seemed to be one of the best or even the best Arcade game i know... So i went to sleep and started to play it again today...

    And i realised that the Assassins are destroying the game.. When i play a 6vs6 often 6 - 10 players are only assassins, am im not kidding. I just played a game where only me and some other guy were a other class than assassin.

    The assassins dont help rly to win the game, but they are destroying the fun of others alot.

    You spawn -> walk near the enemy base -> get stabbed
    and again and again and again....

    Even as a more or less skilled player its hard to take down 3 assassins.

    Most of the Assassin players arent rly planning to win the game, they only want to bring their kill count as high as possible, so they camp and wait until a enemy comes and stab him.
    Its really destroying the fun of those who dont play as Assassin.

    The fun totally stops when there are 6-10 assassins in a game.

    You should change the assassin.

    Whether a limit to maximal 2 assassins per team or maybe make it like the assassins cloaking dissapears when he starts moving.
  2. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    I'm not sure how to respond to this other than "lawl", I wasn't aware a class that is fine could destroy a game on the day it was released.

    Once they're out of stealth, it's fair game, or more like a free kill for everyone else. They have such little health to compinsate for their invisibility, mobility and lethal backstabs, use it to your advantage and stay in groups, Assassins are best against stragglers.
  3. Jebiga

    Jebiga New Member

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    No, if they are a bit clever they will walk so that u cant hit them. Also their sprint will make it more hard or they will blind u and jump away.
    Even for a player who is skilled at console shooters its super hard to hit them.

    I can truly understand ur reaction. And what i said and say is my personal opinion which is caused by game experience, its not like i think of such stories.

    It really already happened to me that 10 players where assassins.

    And im just giving this opinion to help Uber Entertainment.

    Also you maybe will see in the future what i mean.
  4. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    If you have trouble with Assassins, just play tank, especially if half their team is assassin. If you even think they are near you, spin. One spin will pretty much kill any assassin (they burn to death.)

    The annoying thing about assassins and snipers is that half your team or more picks them and then contributes nothing.
  5. hatemakerr

    hatemakerr New Member

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    Or they can just remove facestabs killing assaults and make the sin do a better job of getting the best possible kill situation, patience.
  6. tehwalrus

    tehwalrus New Member

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    A tank can do some very serious damage to assassins, especially the new-players that would think to play a team full of them
  7. intelekt

    intelekt New Member

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    I agree that they make teams lose by having 2-4 assassins on a team. It would be nice if they added an option to have only balanced teams in a game, as in one of each class. That would be a really cool option so people who didnt want multiple assassins or snipers would not have to deal with that sort of noobery.
  8. WTFile970

    WTFile970 New Member

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    I love how people talk about 'new players to the game' as if it didn't literally come out TODAY. We are all new players!

    I play assassin mostly, and I agree that there should be a limit on the amount there can be in a team, but damn they are fun to play. They can take down any class if well played (including tanks it's not hard) and although their smoke grenade thing is practically useless, their extremely awesome dash makes up for it. But they are not, however without their weaknesses. Both tanks and gunners can deploy, making it impossible to assassins to attack them. We are not invisible, and also make noise. And we die VERY easily.

    Don't complain, play a tank or a gunner, and AOE the **** out of us. Don't tell me about overpowered while gunners can literally jump on their *** and kill everyone.
  9. Tigerfox 360

    Tigerfox 360 New Member

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    i love assassins.. not playing them.. shooting them, grabbing them,

    i love to burn them as tanks, i love to mow them down as gunners, but, but best of all.. i really, and i mean really love to freeze them in place and head shot them while they are still stealthed! :lol:

    did assassins destroy this game? i'm sorry, i haven't noticed, since i seem to spend most of my time tripping over their dead bodies.
  10. NotACrazedGunman

    NotACrazedGunman New Member

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    You'd get along great with Pitgirl.
  11. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    Please read other threads regarding the assassin, this has been covered MANY times and so far everyone mentioned how easy it is to kill assassins, even me who mains an assassin.

    They're killable, trust me. And play with friends, makes the game more fun.
  12. Aviados

    Aviados New Member

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    6 assassins on the enemy team?

    1)Grab a Tank
    2)LT Spin

    Seriously 1-2 Assassins hunting our squishy's is great but I've yet to see an assassin heavy team win a match , just to easy to counter
  13. trindermon

    trindermon New Member

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    TBH as annoying as assasins are - they have a place in the game, there job is to get behind enemy lines and take out support folks whilst they are messing with the turrets and making the base better. (least imo).

    Now i play support (almost ALL the time), and assasins are anoying, but there is a way to deal with them. Firstly do NOT put points when you start in to anything other than your HP ability. this has saved me more times than i care to mention. forget the fancy skills, you HP as support is the most important.

    when he stabs you - watch the pretty animation, get back up , step back, let the turrets do the rest. simple.

    Assassins are annoying, but they have a job. not only that they can be counter by any class with higher HP. if fact they are so easy to deal with its almost laughable.


    PS: enjoying the game so far, only thing i have seen i didnt like was the "unkillable assassin" in 1 game lastnight, he just stood there right outside the base, (not moving like he was rooted), all our team tried to kill him. it wasnt possible. not sure what the deal was at all - if its a ingame feature i need to understand it before i commment; it its a hack, it needs to be found an fixed.
  14. William63

    William63 New Member

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    I completely disagree.

    Assassins really are not that much of a pain. Sure, they offer some frustration but who doesn't? The games you played where 6-10 (which I am interpreting as a range, and not a ratio) are assassins seems a bit far fetched. Sure there will always be the exception, but I highly doubt this is something that happens constantly.

    I think the game is pretty fantastically balanced, which for me to say that on a release is mind blowing.

    The team did a fantastic job, and I can't wait to buy some DLC
  15. Jebiga

    Jebiga New Member

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    Oh lol...

    i am thankful to the assassins now...

    3 of them chased me and i was able to kill em and earned the triple kill achievement
  16. Flamesaw

    Flamesaw New Member

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    as a tank, if an assasin grabs you, just bash on b...after the animation they end up in front of you, then they go bye bye
  17. tehwalrus

    tehwalrus New Member

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    Assassins dish out so much damage, a team of 6 assassins can easily win a match by waiting for overtime and juicing out on the moneyball. And it's not like assassins can only kill squishies either - it just takes more skill to kill a tank or gunner
  18. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    I hate assassins most of my deaths are from them but here is my solution

    Armor x3
    Skill Recovery x2
    Health Recovery x1

    You plant a firebase and always stay within a close range and if you get stabbed in the back by an assassin your turret will kill the assassin and if your firebase is upgraded to level 3 you will instantly be back to full health.

    Although I've had several times where I've shot assassins with my shotgun 2/3 times point blank and they just dont die.
  19. DrSnaggletooths

    DrSnaggletooths Member

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    You said you were playing as assault? If you see an assassin - boost (either away, or into him). That gives you distance. Then shoot him. If you're really concerned, you can throw down your bomb to lock off angles.
  20. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

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    For the longest time on TF2 half a team would be Spies, then people figured out how to deal with them, pyro, then they slowed down to a fair amount per team.

    this game is new, let people get used to other classes.

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