Assassin Quick Tips

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by zarakon, January 12, 2011.

  1. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Not intended to be a comprehensive guide or anything. Just some little tips and tricks that may not be obvious to everyone:

    - Your grapple, lunge, and slashing attacks do significantly more damage from behind. If you're going after a large group of bots (and you should!), lunge at them from behind. They'll die much quicker and you'll take a lot less damage.

    - Higher level cloaking skills activate faster. Lv1 and Lv2 take some time to activate, so turrets and bots will continue to shoot at you for a bit. Lv3 cloak engages instantly, making it much better for escaping from turrets and bots.

    - Shurikens do a LOT of damage when you can hit with them. If a tank is coming at you, or you see a gunner or tank deployed, use your shurikens! A gunner without armor endorsements will die in one clip of shurikens. At some ranges you can even outdamage them in a firefight.

    - Use shurikens to destroy firebases! It's much safer and easier than trying to use the sword.

    - Smoke bomb will stun bots and turrets. You can use it to destroy base turrets even without juice.

    - You can turn while lunging. You can use it to take quick 90 or 180 degree turns around corners to escape from trouble.

    - You can grapple with shurikens selected, and it is awesome

    - You can get a full juice meter by attacking Bullseye, the mascot.

    - You can grapple Jackbots (the huge bots) to do a huge amount of damage to them. OR you can just get behind them and slash away to get a full juice meter while still killing them fairly quickly.
  2. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    I wish the assassins just learned through messing up. That's how I did it I suppose. Though I think I learned everything rather quickly.

    This covers quite a bit, but I wonder who would actually read it. Yes... I'm talking about all those noobie assassins running around.
  3. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I still can't believe you can do this with the lunge and the charge on the PC version. I would be raging.
  4. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    That's how I learned, myself. Failure and forum posts of failure.

    Bad players can be expected, and are a perfectly normal part of any game.

    Stubborn players (Or bad players who happen to have good luck) who refuse to learn from mistakes are the bad part of a game. This bad part just so happens to cover Assassin.
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    you could probably do it on 360 too with high enough sensitivity
  6. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Saves me time and time again with tank and assault lately. Just whip your character at a 90 degree angle around a corner and I'm safe :). I was trying to teach my brother MNC basics last night on the 360 version but we ran into you and someone else on Oxy. Our ball was down in like 2 minutes so I turned my 360 off and went back to PC version :roll:
  7. Demigod At Play

    Demigod At Play New Member

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    Some intermediate/advanced tips about mobility:

    -Lunge should almost always be your primary method of travel. Lunging off of a ledge (such as the ring above your moneyball) will propel you a considerable distance and save you precious seconds. You will move at lunge speed until you hit the ground. This is incredibly useful at GrenadeIII arena because you can lunge to the center platform from both levels without paying for a jump platform. Aside from that, with practice (or just by spamming the key, really) you can easily move faster than you would by sprinting.

    -Lunge can dodge the support's airstrike if it is attached to your head. If you wait until the last second and lunge, the falling bomb will just hit the ground behind you.

    -Do not use speed endorsements. Trust me on this. I used to use gold speed before I realized what a waste it was. As an assassin, your primary objective is to kill bots. Because of that, you'll be picking up move speed power-ups all the time. Invest your endorsements elsewhere. (I recommend armor and RoF)

    -Smoke bombs can be used for more than just escaping! See a jump pad that you don't want to pay for? Need that last $50 to use the ejector? Smoke bomb, go! GrenadeIII is a great example (Again? I know!) where you can quickly smoke bomb up to the second level without paying for/finding a jump pad and use the ejector. If you time the button right, you can easily win fights even if you're on your own.

    -Smoke bombs give you height, but not a lot of distance. Let's say a gunner jumps out from around the corner and starts pumping bullets into your face. SMOKE BOMB! But wait, we're not done here. You'll be propelled into the air, but unless you find a safe place to land you'll wind up right where you started: eating a lead sandwich served up by your favorite Hawaiian cyborg. Be aware of your surroundings. Is there a high ground you can exploit? Probably. Did he look up to try and finish you off? Probably not. If there is a high ground you can find, do your best to get to it. If not, your best bet is usually to land behind him and lunge your way to safety by going the long way. Don't take risks by landing in front of him where his gun is already pointed!

    -Your sprint leaves a dust trail, even while cloaked. If you're behind enemy lines, be careful about using your sprint. While it's obviously less noticeable than a decloaked assassin just flinging herself about, just keep in mind that it is detectable. Just make sure you have a way out. Which brings me to my next point...

    -Have an escape plan! This is a less obvious one. A lot of assassins like to sneak into the base and grapple the first sniper they see. While I don't necessarily condone this behavior, let's just say I'm feeling particularly murderous. Where are the enemy pros? If they're all gathered around defending the moneyball, there is little to no chance of escape. If they're out and about doing their own thing, you can probably get out. Worst case scenario, you can smoke bomb and try to find a safe place to land.

    -Remember where turrets are located. It's easy to sneak past a turret to get IN their base, but if you attack an enemy in turret range, you'll find you have a hard time getting out. Also, use gaps in their defenses to take out groups of bots.

    -I can see you upgrading your skills! I can't tell you how many assassins I catch upgrading their skills while cloaked thinking they're safe. Easy pickings! (not really a mobility thing, just something to remember)

    And finally...

    -DON'T STOP MOVING! As an assassin, you need to be unpredictable. Practice using all of your tools available to be wherever your enemy expects you least. Kill a pro over here, run/jump/lunge/smokebomb your way to the other side of the map as fast as you can and kill a group of bots! Kill a jackbot as soon as it gets out of their spawn, and then go defend yours! Stay MOBILE! As long as you keep yourself out of the enemy's sights, you'll be unstoppable.

    They might not be "quick" tips, but I hope this helps all of our aspiring assassins out there.
  8. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    The staying mobile thing is a hard thing for me, because I cannot think of plans on the go. I'm not that quick witted, if that's the right word for it. Any tips about that for me?
  9. Demigod At Play

    Demigod At Play New Member

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    I'm guessing with 50 hours of this game played you know the maps pretty well. Just try and remember all the corners you can lunge around, platforms you can smoke bomb to and objects you can take cover behind so that when you're in an emergency you won't have to think about it. Other than that, my best advice is "don't grapple anyone from the front". Haha.
  10. Demitros

    Demitros New Member

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    I like every thing written here. I 'main' Assassin with a pretty high degree of success. Of course, it's hard to main the Assassin because there's usually two or three people on your team who are going to pick them no matter what (and ultimately leave the thinking man saying "what are my Assassin's doing right now that the other team is running amuk?).

    -In general I tend to delegate myself priorities depending on what is happening in a match. The Assassin is awesome at killing stuff, you can make a case that there are better or worse places where that killing power should be - instead I like to watch for who's giving my team the most trouble, or if there's a particular class we're having a hard time countering. They become priority one, with bots and turrets behind them. If we're doing okay against enemy pros, then I bounce from lane to lane pushing as hard as I can and occasionally sniping turrets.

    -Wall running! Smoke grenade yourself and aim for the edge of a wall to land on. You are out of the normal field of vision, and gave yourself a decent line of sight on top of that to scan the battlefield.

    -With the previous blurbs in mind Cloak 3 is great! I do understand where the argument that it is a waste of money comes in, though. I like it. I almost always end up with it. Get yourself the biggest field of vision you can and assess how you can pick off members of their team without detection. Plan a path. Most players don't keep real mobile. They tend to control one piece of territory and stay there. Your job is to rip that piece of territory from them. Planning your path of destruction won't take more than five seconds and will result in a hard push if you manage to do it right.

    -Take a trip to Hazard County. The Annihilator is supposed to be one of your main priorities. When it's ready to fire, you should be there, ready to take it. Don't forget about Ejectors, though! You can use these cloaked, so they're going to think that chunk of land is safe. It isn't though.

    -In a team fire fight, use your shurikens. While you want to take the kills if you can, it's better to bounce them off corners and keep the enemy from healing. Assists are also very beautiful and so is winning.

    -Don't get yourself killed for no reason. When you juice, you're going to destroy almost every thing in their base as well as anyone who happens to be between you and the next turret.

    I've also heard that you can cloak mid grapple, but I haven't actually had presence of mind to try.
  11. Jackal Queenston

    Jackal Queenston New Member

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    True. It helps to delegate bot fire, but isn't recommended against tagteam Pros.
  12. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Holy ****, look who just walked in!

  13. Jackal Queenston

    Jackal Queenston New Member

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  14. Flashman

    Flashman New Member

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    Ejectors. Use them. Get behind the enemy team on Spunky Cola Arena and use the two ejectors on the elevated platform. There's often a sniper up there, too.

    Current endorsements: Gold armor, silver health recovery, bronze skill recovery. Best part of this is surviving another assassin's grapple, then immediately killing them with your own grapple. But you can also mix it up with bots like nobody's business, which I think is really the point of this class.

    Edit: Also, since most matches seem to head into overtime at the moment, cloaked dashing to the moneyball followed by juicing is hilarious.
  15. Telos

    Telos New Member

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    The money ball defenses will come back up 30 seconds after the last attack. As an assassin with level 3 cloak and shuriken, even if you aren't shooting full clips into it you can easily shoot 1 or 2 every ~10 seconds for the rest of the game for an easy win. Assuming no one catches you shooting the money ball.

    Also i see a lot of people popping juice and going crazy on the money ball only to die when it runs out. Make a note of how much damage you can do to the money ball while juiced and save it until you know it's going to die by the time your juice runs out.

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