I haven't gotten to really try this yet but on GrenadeIII is it possible to smoke bomb jump from the center to the front of the enemy/your base onto that little platform thing that overlooks the center? Or is the only way out using a jump pad?
Yes you can smoke bomb jump from the Annihilator platform to the perch. As an Assault with Fly 3 you can Fly > Charge > Fly from one perch to the other.
Another great thing to do on grenade is smoke bombing over thier bot spawn into their spawn ring, great way to take out that perched sniper
Haha, this is my favorite. There's always some stupid sniper who keeps an ice trap in front of that spot so I can't bomb in from the platform, and another ice trap by the jump pad landing spot. Bombing over the bot spawn right behind him, and he'll seriously go back to the same freakin spot and put his ice traps in the same spot. One game, I killed the same sniper 10 times from that spot before he quit. Honestly though, bomb is increasingly becomming more important to me as an assassin. I used to just use it to escape when I was about dead. Now, I use it in just about every fight I'm in that doesn't end in an instant grapple kill or lunge-grapple kill.
Don't forget Bomb jumping from your spawn to theirs! Great way to catch stragglers out of the spawn at the start of the round.
Thanks for the tips guys they help since I'm still shaking off the newbness. Only had the game for about 3 weeks and only started playing competitively about 5 days ago. Its been fun seeing some of the people on the forums in game and getting a few nice kills on them.
an assault with fly1 can do it barely. an assault with fly2 can easily do it. an assault with fly3 can probably go back and forth over and over again...
I love using the Tank's Charge to take you right past the Bot Spawn on Grenade 3. I hate Charging out of the spawn and straight off the edge on Ammo Mule.