Assassin Not a flame, just legitimate arguments.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Fatalsyn, February 18, 2011.

  1. Fatalsyn

    Fatalsyn New Member

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    Before an obvious troll replies #1 I don't care what you think, #2 I'm stating an opinion for mods to look at, and #3 I enjoy playing assassins, so go home and be a family man.

    Every other class has something powerful to bring to the table in kills.

    Support: turret is devastating, air drops destroy family men, they hack turrets, they buff teammates and heal, and their shotgun kills a gold armor assassin in two hits

    Tank: They have brutal amounts of armor, their bloom not only does massive amounts of damage at maximum range, it continues to burn you and can be done over and over and over in a short amount of time.
    Their charge has, lots of damage, knock back/down and sets you on fire and their blinding grenades do loads of damage. Gold armored with silver reload speed is next to unstoppable.

    Gunner: Slam has lots of knock back and lots of damage/dazing effect and I think it sets you on fire.
    Their gun kills an assassin in the 2 seconds it takes for them to notice they are being shot and it slows down the target.
    Grapple, the gunner's grapple is absurd, tons of damage, wide grapple range (even when the enemy is jumping)and knock back for days. Plus they have a beast grenade launcher.

    Assault: there assault rifle is often times more devastating then the gunners gun, they are mobile and can fly (avoiding the assassins grapple), their charge has auto-grapple with a map sized knockback (/easy mode enabled) and their mines knock back for days/set you on fire.

    Sniper: Snipers have a one shot one kill and with aimbots that i'm sure plenty of people use they kill with ease (even without aimbots 2 shots kill an assassin). The snipers uzi destroy's face and when they slow opponents down with ice traps back attacks become near impossibru and frozen enemies are sitting ducks. With all of this they are the one class an assassin is useful against but most of the time will kill the assassin when it gets trapped.

    Ok heres the fun part.

    They can cloak which is garbage because you can see/hear them a mile away.

    They can run fast which is only useful for escapes (it gives your cloaked position away as well).

    They have a flash bomb which isnt even remotely as good at blinding as the tanks grenade and is good for what reason, escape. when youre in an unobstructed area. It is the assassins only useful escape tool but is so slow that if you are at half health (aka you bumped your shin) you are dead before you leave the ground.

    The grapple which is only useful from behind, is difficult to get, can be avoided by jumping, leaves you vulnerable with your lack of armor and half of the time isnt even strong enough to kill the enemy.

    The dive slash is useful but immpractical. You have to directly land in the enemy circle with it, it isnt sneaky therefore enemy fire knocks you down before you hit them enough to be anything more then a family man and it has no other use except for. Escape.

    90% of the time when running, the enemy will still shoot you in the back and since the assassins armor is crap, running is useless. Gold armor makes the most minute difference. The upside is, if you are lucky enough to get away, your health regenerates alright.

    Grapple: The assassins grapple doesn't do enough damage to make up for the lack of armor. In comparison to other classe's grapples; gunners grapple does more damage, assault is an auto-grapple after a charge so technically it does more(not to mention it has huuuuge knockback), snipers even have knock back(there's isn't so bad, but more often than not, will ringout assassins).

    Weak: Even with gold armor assassins can take barely any damage making escape VERY difficult. They are an UP CLOSE combatant and cant take a hit (GARBAGE)
    Charge: The assassin charge is garbage and only useful if, you can hit an opponent, get behind them and grapple before they grapple you or use on of their useful abillities. Tank charge and assault charge can't be jumped over or sidestepped while the assassins can.

    What Im requesting is NOT for a nerf of other classes, but some sort of buff for assassins or at least make their endorsements useful; because as it is now a good assassin cannot take on a mediocre tank. A good assassin cannot take on a good support, gunner or assault. A good assassin is only useful for a SINGLE surprise attack or for catching already weakened stragglers.
  2. Fatalsyn

    Fatalsyn New Member

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    On a side note, if I do 95% of the damage to an enemy and am still alive, the jack off behind me who fires a stray bullet into them, should not get the kill.
  3. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    a GOOD assassin as you say, is not meant to target other players, a good assassin will kill bots, juice and then say bye to your base as they destroy it in seconds, the assassin is not made to kill pro's, it can do a good job of it but its main job is to push lanes and destroy the base with juice, a buff is not needed in anyway, you want MORE grapple damage when a lunge+back grapple kills every class in the game.

    im not going to go into front grapples because you shouldn't really be doing them anyway, they will likely get you killed and the only use i can see for them is to hold a juiced player to help drain his juice.

    welcome to the forums by the way.
  4. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I have been playing Assassin a lot lately and the only thing that needs a buff is my internet. When I'm lagging I have a 1 in 4 chance to connect a grapple... :(
  5. FTP

    FTP New Member

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    The irony of an assassin being excellent in something else than assassinating still is baffling me. But it's true

    I wish more people would know how to properly handle juiced assassins :I
  6. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    CHARGE!!!!!!!!! that is all that needs to be known haha, just make sure they aren't lunge at you though....
  7. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    lol. buff assassins. now i've heard everything.
  8. FTP

    FTP New Member

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    That's a simple way to put it, but hey in the essence it's right.
    *Supports should try and grapple juiced assassins
    *Tanks should use meteor against them (or what it's called)
    *Assaults should charge them, especially with a grapple throw they are supreme
    *Gunners... I don't know if slam works, but grapplethrowing them would be excellent!
    *Sniper also should try and grapple throw em
    *Assassins should lungegrapple them and maybe blind them afterwards

    Problem: no one does that! and in the end all turrets I bought get slaughtered X_x
  9. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i bet you don't hear about gunners being OP........
  10. BMSTed

    BMSTed New Member

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    I really enjoy the extreme biased style of the attempts to make points in the Assassins favor in the OP. Normally in these style of posts I would break POOP down with numbers and what not but I'm just not feeling it here. Such bias is only capable of people not willing to listen to reason.

    Also I laughed at what was roughly "Some Sniper players use aimbots. Clearly they are over powered because Assassins can't do that."
  11. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i don't think assassin is OP all the new players seem to think she is because she can cloak and back grapple when really its your fault for letting her do such a thing when you can hear her and just turn around to see if there is one behind you, not hard to do...
  12. Fatalsyn

    Fatalsyn New Member

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    What's the use of an assassin who can't assassinate?
  13. Fatalsyn

    Fatalsyn New Member

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    You mean my, as stated, opinion? Please feel free to reply with your opinion. Just don't troll me or flame. if you have some secret knowledge I'd love to hear it.
  14. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Your job is to do what other classes can't:
    - Clean out bots behind enemy lines.
    - Take out turrets when a window of opportunity presents itself.
    - Kill/harass key players of the other team: Snipers, Supports, other Assassins.

    The name Assassin might be a little bit misleading, your job is to sabotage the enemy team in every possible way. Your cloak and speed allows you to get to almost every point of the map unnoticed.
  15. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    The OP seems like a troll, or he is a bad assassin (more likely). That post cannot be taken seriously by anyone.
  16. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    NOOO YOUR WRONG COL! WE MUST GO AROUND AND FACE GRAPPLE TANKS BECAUSE ITS WHAT WE ARE MADE TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's 90% of assassin players)

    the other 10% cut off nearly all bots, make the other team have NO base, and get kills on people who are unaware of them.
  17. Fatalsyn

    Fatalsyn New Member

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    What's wrong with wanting to play a fun class and having a somewhat impressive K/D ratio? I'm not a bad assassin but am by no means fantastic. I typically will get a 26/8 K/D on my good games. But all too often I just get rape pwned because of the vast strength differences in class.

    @Xx Tikki xX: nothing is more annoying then having 3 horrible assassins on your team who throw themselves at tanks like horny teenagers to a rockstar. I don't want to be able to destroy tanks, I wan't more of a chance to escape from them and the 4 other people shooting at me.
  18. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    my friend who played assassin quite a bit every game would just avoid the tanks if he could, but if the tank had yellow health he would go for the back grapple, tanks are a counter to assassin its just the way its meant to be
  19. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    Have you read this guide? You probably should so you know what you're supposed to be doing.

    If you are having trouble killing pros then you are picking the wrong targets or are being too obvious about it. Alternatively you don't know how to use your escapes correctly (as it sounds like; you don't seem to be using sprint correctly, for instance). If you choose to attack someone, at the very least you need to make sure that you have a place you can smokebomb out to for cover if something goes wrong.

    Read the guide become better the end.
  20. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    your OP indicates the exact opposite.

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