It is getting quite frustrating when I back grapple someone, and there is no questioning they will die, but an assault or gunner keeps shooting them. Then I get an assist and have to wait a bit to be able to grapple again, where as they keep on truckin'. Shouldn't it be that if you grapple someone, especially as an assassin who relies on it, and the damage inflicted would kill them, you should get the kill. Regardless of who else is shooting them. I was in one game where an assault kept following me and doing this with all of my kills. Ended with game the 3 kills 23 assists and 2 deaths. Come on...
reserved for disagreeing with this when I'm not at work. Edit: Forget it. Tom and Stretch took care of it...
The Assault doesn't have a cloak you should have ran into the enemy's base. Do you remember how many bot kills you had by chance?
No, but I did push the bots in a few times. I know the assassin isn't supposed to be a pro killer as much as a bot killer but still, it get's annoying. @TOM12121112 No I am not saying that. Some of the assists were people I damaged who ran away, but at least 12 of those were grapples where he, or another team mate shot at the person I was grappling. @x Zatchmo Really? Does that matter? This isn't what this topic is about.
Use this trick before It will go on Xbox360 (It's already updated on PC) :3
But I suppose there was a benefit...the assault did make it so I barely died. @ Tom..I am Michele. That's my name.
to be honest, this is me remembering from way back when i absolutely hate assassin, and it is my least favorite class.
I can respect that. I HATE tanks with a passion. But still that doesn't have much to do with the topic at hand. For instance, how would you feel as an assault if someone shot a pro you grappled with charge 3, right before they actually got rung out. Then you get an assist and they get a kill.
it doesnt bother me too much. i dont KILL the person who is being grappled, but i will put some shots in for the assist money. so long as said pro is dead, i couldnt care in the least who killed him. also: nobody buys charge grapple.
It's a team game so I look at is as "our kill." Like Tom said as long as I get the assist money it's all good. Also that Assassin "trick" doesn't work on the 360, but our S.Launcher grapple by default does just about as much damage. A lot more then then the second example in that video.
i WOULD play asassin, but nothing frustrates me more about this game than dying when i shouldnt have, ie: LAG.