Assassin Grapple

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by ShockerGeneral, December 7, 2010.

  1. ShockerGeneral

    ShockerGeneral New Member

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    Havent seen any mention of this yet so forgive me if someone else has already mentioned it...closest Ive seen is a video showing that the assassin back grapple is actually more powerful with the s-launcher (slap in the back of the head) vs the Katana through the face move. Seems odd, wouldnt have believed it had I not seen it.

    I was rolling Gold Armor, Silver ROF on a JUICED full health support, actively draining health from a turret and was back grappled by an assassin with the s-launcher out, she mounted me from behind like she was wearing Zeus's own personal strap on and smacked me back and forth across the head..."No problem" says I..."I have full health, am juiced, draining heealth from a turrent, with silver ROF and am rocking gold armour...slow my juice run but wont hurt me too bad..."


    Instant kill...

    Didnt post this on the DLC glitch thread b/c Im not sure if its indented (doubtful) or if it was a once in a lifetime fluke/glitch. Been grappled plenty of times since while juiced but never an s-launcher back grapple. If this is repeatable (someone let me know if this happens) its going to be a huge advantage for the assassin - instant juice killing of most, if not all, pros...

    Im hoping it was a fluke of some sort...

    Just FYI
  2. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    Maybe he had crit 3 on. Check they enemy's endorsments next time you get killed by a SH launcher back grapple.
  3. faits

    faits New Member

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    I was under the impression that grapples don't crit.
  4. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I front grappled another Assassin with a Katana and took out ~2/3 life (She had Gold Armor) and then right after that, she front grappled me with the Skuriken Launcher, and Instant Killed me (I also Had Gold Armor), nothing else attacked me to do that extra damage, now idk if thats enough evidence to show that the S-Launcher does indeed do more damage than the Katana.
  5. faits

    faits New Member

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    I just tested this. Shuriken front grapple will kill a silver armor assassin but not a gold armor assassin.
  6. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Thats interesting, i must of been rolling in my off Assassin class, but instant killing a silver Assassin front is a bit op lol
  7. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    Already discussed and tested.

    S-launcher grapples ARE stronger than dagger/sword grapples.


    1) Cannot grapple while dashing using SL... can grapple while dashing using Dagger/Sword.
    2) Cannot lunge with SL... can lunge with Dagger/Sword (and then chain it up with a grapple)
    3) A Back Grapple is stronger using the SL than the melee weapon (for above two reasons)

    A lunge+sword grapple is equal/slightly stronger than a SL grapple.
  8. ShockerGeneral

    ShockerGeneral New Member

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    Yea, I get the s-launcher back grapple is probably the strongest damaging grapple in the game and I get the rational behind it but assuming this is repeatable should it be able to one hit a juiced full health gold armor support? Especially if I was getting health back from my HH gun draining a nearby turret....I cant think of a scenario that would make a support have more health...

    Just curious if anyone else has encountered this yet...maybe there was something I didnt notice at play but I sat in shock and replayed it in my head to make sure I wasnt hallucinating...

    Be interested to see what happens if an over healed gold armor fully passive 3 tank is juiced and gets back grappled by it a one hit kill regardless of the circumstances? Hope not...
  9. DUDE98678

    DUDE98678 New Member

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    Going on a limb here, but due to my experiences it feels that due to the juice nerf, grapples and such cause their full (or next to full) damage on juiced players. Personally I think this is a fantastic and welcome addition, though unexpected. Im gonna look over the update list to see if I can find any confirmation...
  10. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I've been back grappled by a s-launcher assassin running silver armor as a tank with no passive upgrades. I'm pretty sure I lived through it, but she killed me with the s-launcher right after. (Props to StreetRx for bringing back a variant of Rev and Bolt's old strats for taking out a tank as an assassin)

    I welcome the change if this is an intended buff. Assassins that can walk up behind a target without cloak and get off a grapple are playing properly at least in terms of PVP.

    If they do this WHILE cloaked, YOU were playing improperly. :D
  11. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Ill do some testing on it soon

    As has been pointed out though, an Slauncher grapple is much more limited and difficult to pull off, and as such was buffed but still does about the same as a katana lungegrapple combo

    I think its mainly just that juice doesn't seem to make you as tanky and unkillable as before

    Will post results here after some private matches
  12. StreetRx925

    StreetRx925 New Member

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    hehe thx hudson. :)
  13. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I was trying it out yesterday and it seemed like the S Laucher did more damage than the normal dagger grapple... but only to CERTAIN classes.. Like i noticed a significant damage increase with the dagger grapple than the S Launcher on a Gunner and Tank, everything else the S Launcher was Stronger. Seemed Weird.
  14. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    has anyone been killed by a sword back grapple on a tank with silver armor and lvl 3 passive? it has been happening to me.....i have no idea why, this is no lunge btw

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