Assassin fixes please.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by TheBohdizafa, September 3, 2010.

  1. TheBohdizafa

    TheBohdizafa New Member

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    1.Dash should be faster that any class can run without dash. I often am outpaced by a support or assault kiting me by running backwards.

    2.Lunge attack should be immune to grapples. Being that this is one of the few ways an assassin can make a frontal attack it is very frustrating to be killed by a grapple. For the record I think retuning the damage for this move is fine. But, when I can be killed in one hit from someone that doesn't have to aim is weak.

    3.The assassins grapple should kill. It should always kill from the back even if the pro is buffed by support, etc. I think wider range than other players have is needed for this class. Since the assassin must rely on the grapple it should be superior to the grapple abilities in the game.

    4. Cloak. If Cloak were improved it would make many other fixes named here unnecessary. Cloak is hardly stealthy. After a few matches anyone can spot the somewhat clear guys running around. The only thing it is really effective against is turrets and bots. Most games that feature a cloaking move allow it to be truly invisible at some point. I think the assassin should be truly invisible to turrets, bots and pros by upgrading stealth. Or, cloak could be completely invisible at level three when standing still.
  2. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    I a guessing you only play Assassin? As you could ask for fixes on all of the Pros really, and in doing so this would make the Pros imbalanced!!!
  3. munrock

    munrock New Member

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    1. Dash is faster than any other class if you have it on level 3. As an assassin if someone is kiting you then you've lost the elephant of surprise. Vanish and find something else to do. Whether he's respawning or hopping around shooting ghosts, you've stopped him doing his job. Which is your job done.

    2. I make this mistake all the time. When I sniper 'catches' your lunge it's annoying, but the fact is that you shouldn't be lunging from the front in the first place.

    1+2, you shouldn't be attacking from the front at all.

    3. It kills often enough, doesn't it? I just think that if it doesn't kill, it shouldn't be that the guy who just got stabbed in the head should have the initiative. They should give the Assassina reasonable chance ot get away, and stop her from just finishing the job with the initiative by makeing her auto-jump or something.

    4. I think level cloak is invisible by standing still, isn't it? When moving or on lower cloak levels, you have to be more sneaky. Understand how people focus, and stay out of focus. It's fun like that.
  4. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    It seems pretty hard to lose an elephant...
  5. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    Interesting spelling of the word "element" aside....I fully agree with the above assessment. You should NOT be attacking from the front...if you do, you deserve to get punted into the next zip code.
  6. munrock

    munrock New Member

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  7. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    nah man

    the assassin needs some REAL fixes

    This is what id fix

    -The bug that causes sprint to "lock up" meaning you can no longer use it and your character effectively "Stuttersteps" until you die

    -Juice bar getting stuck full (this happens to all classes but for some reason I see it WAY more often playing as sin)

    -Regular slash attacks tickle enemy pros instead of damage them, slight damage buff in order imo -SLIGHT-

    And ya a slight buff to the range at which you can slash would be nice, Im sure everyone has had that moment where your enemy is at a sliver of health and despite being right in their face they can just backpeddle and your sword swipes through the character model and nothing happens (what causes this?) Id assume This has to do with lag similar to how lunges tend to "slide" off of people randomly, which is something else id fix.

    - you still take fall damage even with passive level 3

    - The cooldown on grapple is like 10 years long.......

    -Instead of half fall damage (I think that's what it is right?) for passive 2, you should get a jump height bonus

    -Smoke bomb and lunge both need shorter animations so they don't feel so clunky in the middle of combat

    -puffs of smoke while sprinting cloaked
    Possibly intended, but COME ON

    -crit shuri's should be a given or at least unlocked at lvl 2 cloak
    At the very least level 3 cloak should make lunges from stealth crit, Especially since the dagger lunge is being nerfed

    I guess I can agree that all back grabs should be insta kill, overhealed or armor sponsors be damned (not that the damage should be buffed to kill tanks) But rather the move itself should bypass the overheal effect

    Speaking of, please add an animation so that sometimes the sin does a badass neck snap for back grapple finisher ;>
  8. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Turrets will shoot cloaked Assassins for no reason.
    Also should be able to switch weapons while using dash.
  9. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Cant believe I missed those

    which reminds of another!

    You cant swap to the katana if you just fired all of your shuriken ammo until you reload the clip

    Ive gotten into the habit of leaving 1-2 in the clip so this crap doesn't get me killed as often
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    This topic has been talked about so much it's pointless now to make any kind of response.
  11. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Eh idk, I don't see anybody arguing or crying in this thread

    The sin needs a lot of fixes, not all of which seem to be covered in the patch
    such as the reload weapon swap problem

    This is the WISHLIST forum
    Seems fine to me
  12. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    This is about glitches or problems that Assassin's have encountered, not "OMG WTF A SUPPORT KILLED ME I NEED BUFFSSSS"

    Plus a lot of the bugs Uber has yet to acknowledge because of other players who don't play the assassin and counter these problems, those players insist they are not bugs so Uber doesn't really look into it. WHICH UBER NEEDS TO DO!
  13. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    i reckon that uber should speed up the grapple animation for assassin, or add in a faster new one. that would probably fix a lot of issues with her.
  14. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Oh please kids, we could be talking about pens and then accidently put an "i" in between the n and the s and then we're wondering how much that guy tips his online strippers.
  15. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    To be fair, it wasn't like, a major attack or anything. It was a minor aside. It's not like anyone was all 'lollrn2typenoob' or anything.
  16. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    Ready for this?

    Shut. Up. Play another class. and grats on being the 17467th person to cry and bitch because you're not good at using an overpowered class.
  17. munrock

    munrock New Member

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    Ready for this?


    And as for being 'not good at using an overpowered class', you should stop playing the Guy-who-patronisingly-tells-people-who-are-complaining-to-shut-up-with-a-snide-remark class. You're doing it wrong.
  18. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    This is the reason why I don't use this class if i'm not host...for some reason I thought I was the only person experiencing this. I avoid picking up speed power ups just to negate this problem but most of the time you can't prevent it slicing through bots.
  19. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    LOL. Assassin is overpowered. Sounds like someone's gunner got pwnd by a backstab and thinks the Assassin's grapple is a "win" button.
  20. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    An assassin change i'd like to see is, if i go to grapple and i don't hit anyone, don't do the lunge forward grapple animation. Just do everything else it normally would, but without that animation. That way if I'm up close and personal with a pro, i grapple and it misses, I'm not left for one second in an animation i cant attack from. If the grapple was to be successful, then do the attack animation, but if I'm attempting to grapple someone, its rage-inducing to see my character do a grapple animation, and my arm to go through the other pro, but it not count as a grapple.

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