I don't understand why the Assassin class is so poplar, yeah the cloak is cool and you get a sword instead of a gun but she's so week. The cloak is to easy to see unless stud still, the dagger is almost useless until the sword is unlocked,the grapple takes to long to recharge and you can hear her. Most of the grapples on other class's are much more powerful, the Assault charge/grapple is overkill to a Assassin. Every now and again I see a tactical player and does well taking down snipers and support. But general players seem to attack Tank/Gunners and lose/die/re-spawn/attack Tank/die/re-spawn, doesn't make any sense and leaves your team out numbered. I played a few match's of crossfire last night and the whole opposing team where Assassins, my team of Gunners/Tanks/Support Ect made mice meat of them and the match was over in mins, then the lobby loaded into a new map and the opposing team(with I assume was a party) choose to be a army of six Assassin's again. This went on for 6 matches we won every time, and then the whole team quit, I was greatful for all the kills but the tactics/logic didn't make any sense.
Assassin is popular with new players because, well, it's an assassian. However, it's a class that definately takes practice to be effective in taking out other pros and pushing a lane. If you were paired with a team of 6 assassians, they were probably partied up and just having fun.
Yeah your every right new player enjoy the Assassin class, its a novelty. But I see ranks of 50 Assassin's getting 1Kill and 15Deaths a match, if the player is just starting the Assassin class, OK. But if your a high rank and still cant maintain a equal or positive K/D then I think its time to give up. I'm personally a rubbish Assassin player so I don't bother, I play class's to suit my skill and play type. But I also play to win a match not get the highest K/D ratio.
ask sxd last night, i was the main turret-killer on my team, and even tho we lost, i was the only one to drop their moneyball once, and kill the three snipers trying to juice on their team, and before we lost on overtime i tossed so many clips of juiced shurikens into their ball. assassin has a cloak. anything with a cloak cant be underpowered. a cloak, as in the ability of invisibility at range and to turrets? cmon. and against lightly armored class it wrecks, i can kill any support/sniper/other-assassin with the DAGGER. its not useless, i upgrade cloak to 3 every game, the sword is a luxury in comparison. if you ever play c&c renegade, you know how insane it is when you stand still to rest after a battle for a bit, and a stealth blackhand melts your head off with a lazer rifle. no rest for the weary. because of assassins and stealth blackhands, nobody can confidently rest anywhere (and this was also funny, when you get out your vehicle to repair it with your repair gun, and a stealth blackhand gets in and takes it home at a "five-finger" discount :lol: ) but if an entire team would all use stealth blackhands, they would get rushed with chainguns (sound familiar to MNC?). but if an entire team uses gunners, they would lose to snipers. snipers would lose to assassins... and hey, the chain is complete...
The assassin has a few appeals to the 1st time MNC player, usually under the age of 15: 1. OMG, NinJAZ!!! 2. OMG, Cl0AK!!! 3. OMG, No AiMINg, no SHo0T1NG!!! 4. OMG, a CH1cK!!!
It depends on who's playing the assassin. Some people suck at it (i.e. pub scrubs). I've got a friend who plays 'sin only for backstabs and sword kills. I play for bot lane pushing, killing turrets, and being a general annoyance to the opposing team while taking out key players (tanks without sliver armor, gunners, snipers, etc)
Any good assassin will utilize those shurikens which takes far more precision to aim than any other ranged weapon in the game.
True, but most people seem to think that the assassin only has the sword, even some more experienced players (not implying anyone here). :lol:
Assassin is the most important class in the game imo, a good assassin will always have the bot lanes clear regardless of how little map control you have. Thus keeping you from ever losing till overtime. On top of that gremlins are a really great pro bot spawn, if the team is off the base floor they'll take down every turret in the enemy base and then jump on the money ball. Before their recent nerfs they could also slay pretty well. I play assassin regularly and I can still get 20 kills in a game with even more assists, I usually always have the most money and the most assists with very few if any deaths. Assassins main role is simple, kill bots, juice, take down enemy defenses, and escort bots in. Anything else like slaying is just extra. Problem is, most assassin players just run around in really visible patterns and try to grapple people. They don't utilize everything the assassin has. Not to mention you have to know when to get the **** out of there, something most beginners lack. They think their assassins are tanks, nope. You miss a RB charge grapple, you cloak and do whatever you need to to get away.
I don't know either. It drives me and Lief completely insane, lemme tell ya. why. Why. WHY. WHY? WHY?!?!?! What appeal does spending half of your game respawning have to them? I DON'T UNDERSTAND. How can you play the game, and have fun like that? Or not feel completely ashamed of yourself? You can't even glitch with 'er anymore, so WHY?
Cool story, Bro. Lulz, but seriously, although I did feel like cussing you out (I get very, VERY defensive of my turrents), you pushed lanes, whittled away our defenses little by little, and kept the opposition at bay. AS THE ASSASSIN SHOULD BE PLAYED. Sure, the Assassin is a proficient Pro killer, but killing the Moneyball is the name of the game. A lot of newbies just don't get that. =/
Hey. And actually not. It's a mix of an online achievement generator (link), customizing on M$ Paint, and animating it all into a gif. Almost all manual customization, with the exception of the layout.
Ah, neato. Have to check that out sometime. Had to ask man. It ALWAYS makes me laugh. Always. *serious face*