Assassin changes discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Rhynno, September 20, 2010.

  1. Rhynno

    Rhynno New Member

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    I've been playing pretty much all assassin all the time in this game and the upcoming changes to being able to cloak while in the middle of grapple is a big nerf to this class (there's another HUGE thread about it, go have a look! Uberent that includes you ;) ). IMHO this class has a number of other issues and I wanted to see if the community can think up different ways to update this class and address these issues without making her OP.

    The problems I see with the class are as follows:
    1. the grapple cloak nerf
    2. Easily tossed out of the ring by most attacks and grapples
    3. Large penalty when grapples are missed (being addressed by the patch)
    4. Easily mowed down during close range combat by other classes
    5. Turrets with turrets that seem to love to keep firing on you when you cloak or when
    you run in cloaked. I've seen it happen with bots too.
    6. Too few hp making gold hp endorsement almost a must-have

    The grapple cloak nerf has been discussed to death. The bottom line is that the assassin class will no longer be able to kill anything while a turret or firebase is nearby making camping supports pretty much off limits to the class. in my experience a smoke bomb doesn't allow for enough time to grapple-kill the support and get away. I don't think that this is balanced; but maybe that's just me. Cloaking mid grapple as it is only fools turrets and players without a clue. Also, you can grapple mid lunge so how is the grapple nerf any different? Oh crap please don't change that too lol!

    If Uberent still wants to implement this change I for one would like to see a short hp boost during a grapple (say after passive 3 is unlocked?) that wears off within a few seconds. That way it may give the assassin a fighting chance to get away after a kill.

    The airborn problem is a pain for me personally. It seems like every little thing will send her flying all over the map. To me this makes the sniper trump the assassin for grapple kills because if I get caught, he won't kill me from damage, but I go flying out of the ring 9 times out of 10. Not sure if this is the same for other classes or not?? Make her eat some fried food or something and get some junk to weigh down that trunk lol. Just a bit of a change to this would be awesome. Might be OP though, dunno.

    This also fits into my other issue of the other melee class being out classed by other classes in melee combat. I don't expect her to be the best but if I get found out I usually have to run like hell out of there or lunge for a kill if I can.

    Has anyone else experienced the bot-seeing-through-stealth-at-a-crazy-distance thing? It's annoying and I can't imagine that it's working as intended having a jackbot turn and shoot you in lvl 3 stealth with stationary and well out of the way. Happens a lot to me it seems.

    Anyone else find that gold lvl hp endorsement is pretty much a must-have for assassins? To me that suggests a lack of playability in a class or something that should be implemented from the get-go. Then again, I love front grappling a newbie assassin to death after she tried to grab me :).

    Feel free to disagree but if you do please suggest some changes or updates to the assassin instead (or feel free to say that the class is working as intended stfu ;))


  2. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    I've definitely been gunned down by LazerBlazers and Firebases after I've cloaked. And not just "last known location" type fire either.
  3. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Because if you get hit while cloaked, you become more visible, and thre turrets can see where you are.
  4. NameMonkey Boy

    NameMonkey Boy New Member

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    My opintion is that the assassin class sucks with or without the updates. You cant take down turrets/firebases. Cant kill tanks/gunner's unless they have half damage. And to easy to be killed. All assassins do is run up behind you. Kill and run away. wheres the skill.

    Upside to the update, is that it makes the assassin class almost unplayable. And I think it will make the game more balanced, maybe then the Class wont be over played so much and you will have to work for your kills. Not just a game of hide n seek.

    And if you what to play as a assassin then pick your kills, Its pritty stupid it you think your going to takeout a support class when hes camping next to his fire base. You have to wait till hes lared out then kill him.(like a true assassin). I play as the Assault class most of the time and the number of assassin's I grapple/kill when they are charging me head on is stupid.
  5. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    the shuriken gun heavily damages turrets/firebases/bots/moneyball/tanks/gunners. Good assasins lunge before a grapple, making it an autokill from behind on every class and from the front of a non-heavy.

    And for your assault arguement, i'm cloaked, see you, lunge at you from the front and grapple you, i win. Assasins get so much better when they get thier sword, this update is taking some things from her but helping her out in the long run.
  6. NameMonkey Boy

    NameMonkey Boy New Member

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  7. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    you can only hear it/see it if i'm close, and by the time i am close, you'll be dead my friend, the lunge is the assasin's asset, not backstabs
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The grapple->cloak fix/nerf will be a significant boost to supports.

    Most of the time when I use it, it's not necessarily because I'm going around assassinating inside the enemy base. It's because hacked turrets have ridiculous range, and firebases can pop up anywhere (also with ridiculous range). I often don't realize I'm in the range of some hacked turret until I'm stuck in a grapple animation, and then I need to use the cloak.

    This will just push the game more toward "Monday Night Kill the Firebase"
    "It's pros vs pros tonight!" -> "It's pros vs firebases tonight!"
  9. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    even if you decloak for a second and a turret hits you, it'll keep firing till you're out of it's range EVEN if you cloak, why does noone get this?
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The best way to "fix all her problems" and at the same time keep balance they should just remove her from the game. For the amount of whining/complaining/bitching it seems it would be better off that way.

    You do know that while any Pro is grappling they are resistant to damage. So yea the only thing the broken Assassin cloak grapple was good for was not being seen while in the animation.
  11. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    This ^.

    Also, the cloaking in the middle of a grapple is not that huge of an advantage vs an aware player. Even if your cloaked and I see my team mate being pummeled by thin air, I know exactly whats going on and where to put the bullets.

    Not a big assassin player tbh, least used class for me, but I've seen some really good sins out there and I'm confident that the good players won't even bat an eye to this change.

    imo of course
  12. Reiver Neriah

    Reiver Neriah New Member

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    Wow seriously? Firebases go down amazingly easy with shurikens, even WITH the support healing it, and turrets aren't their specialty, but it isn't hard to take one down with a sword and smoke bomb....not to mention we totally annihilate the base once juiced, which, by the way, is CRAZY fast to accumulate as an Assassin.

    Can't take down Gunners? We can kill them even WITH gold armor from behind and if not just jump over their Slam, it isn't hard. And I regularly snipe Tanks regardless, even if I don't kill them I get an assist.

    No skill? How about you go around being the the second/first weakest class running close up to people that can kill you in a second? Wow Gunners and Tanks take so much skill walking and spraying and Slaming/Charging. Wow Snipers have it hard camping with ice traps around them far away from everything. While Supports and Assaults take some skill to use, more-so Assaults IMO. (I know these classes require more skill than I'm saying, but a newb will be way better off with ANY other class than the Assassin)

    Do you even know what an Assassin is? Of course they're gonna play hide and seek, no other class does it so it isn't a problem.
  13. Reiver Neriah

    Reiver Neriah New Member

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    Um...when I get shot at while grappling I DO take damage and even sometimes die before the animation is finished.
  14. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    Assassins will be fine although I still believe their grapple should recharge faster after being successful but meh, what are you gonna do right?
  15. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    I dnt agree with the grapple cloak nerf but I do great with assassin. Generally, it isn't the class, it's the player. I can take down a tank or gunner with relative ease, thought armour endorsement on a tank won't be a breeze. The enemy bases van be slaughtered by an assassin. Finally, yes you do take damage in a grapple, the victim and the grappler.
  16. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Because it's not true.

    Level 1 cloak takes forever to fully engage, so it might feel that way if you don't upgrade.

    Level 2 cloak engages quicker, but you'll still get shot at for a second or so

    Level 3 cloak engages instantly, and turrets will stop shooting at you immediately. Lag could make them keep shooting at you longer, but assassin is only playable as host anyway!
  17. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    This, minus the host part, since I rarely grapple as an assassin. :p

    But seriously, most of the people who think a class is too weak don't upgrade skills to their fullest potential, or don't utilize a certain aspect of a class. Its the same reason people have so much trouble playing the tank.
  18. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    The real problem with the update is that assassin is the only class that has to get so close to net kills

    The update will mean you will no longer be able to grapple anybody within the range of a fire base period, not just the support hopping around it.

    This I see as a problem given how small some of the maps are and how large the radius is at which a FB can shoot

    Imo the fire base should only shoot in a 180degree frontal arc

    Guess we will see when the patch goes up
  19. Rhynno

    Rhynno New Member

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    I had turrets the other night fry my arse when I walked into the other base stealthed. I hadn't taken any damage before they started firing and I had lvl 3 stealth up at the time... Only happened once in the match thankfully. Seems like a glitch to me but I guess it could have been lag somehow :/. I still think that some damage mitigation while grappling would really help...
  20. BK201 Wolf

    BK201 Wolf New Member

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    Wow is obvious you don't know how to play Assassin or know the game well... It's actually ironic you said Assassins can't take down turrets when you play Assault, because it is common knowledge in the game that Assassins can smoke bomb a turret and hack it quickly without getting shot at, while Assaults take longer to destroy turrets. Assaults also can't push bots or kill Jackpots like Assassin's can or get juiced up half the speed an Assassin can. In fact, for your info, the classes that cause most destruction of bases are Tank and Assassin's. Even so the game isn't about kills why does everyone think that? As Assassin you get juiced so easily and move is such a big influence in winning the game, it takes skill to do it, and to survive with such low health when entering enemy lines. What made me laugh is that you think Assassin can't kill gunners, the only class you can't one hit is the Tank.

    Here are two videos of me playing Assassin and Assault.
    When I played Assault I had 3 of my friends so I had no reason to take care of turrets,
    in fact we just didn't go after the moneyball at all we just let the team live a little longer so we can keep killing them :D When I played Assassin, my friend also was an Assassin, we had to take care of some turrets but we still didn't feel like we would lose so we spawn raped the other team again :D. The quality is bad I know, but it's obvious.

    Every Assault guy uses charge immediately when they see me or I grapple them from the front, they think Im going to run stand or run towards them, but I move and jump and they miss me....same with gunner...AHH assassin, hit the Slam skill! lol Grapple a gunner from the front, they slam, then they start shooting when they realize I jumped but by then it's too late.

    Oh and learn to play other classes before you speak.


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