Assassin balance?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by G1deon, January 1, 2011.

  1. G1deon

    G1deon New Member

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    I cant get it. Assassin can kill you by 1 button push from invis and nothing you can do against that. Everytime when enemy team have 2+ assassins - its easy win for them.
    Assassin have escape mechanism, have invisible, have "winbutton", looks kinda overpowered.
  2. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Then play one.

    Lol, that is the ONLY answer you need. Seriously, just try playing one.

    We'll wait for when you come back.

    Other answers may include:

    Turn your speakers on. This is essentially because when she comes near you; BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ like a ******* vuvuzela.

    Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump around! Jump around! Jump up and get down (to an assassin who just missed her grapple and is in a for a world of pain)!

    She's so easy, it's like she whores pain and injury. 60% of assassination attempts result in failure, an additional 20% don't make it out alive after a SUCCESS.

    And so on.
  3. roadkillgrill

    roadkillgrill Active Member

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    Games with 2-3 assassins do get annoying, they are very easy to kill but pretty much are the the sole reason I added armor to my Gunner build so that they cant kill in one hit every time.

    It be better if the score board reflected the objective (kill the money ball) over the current K/D score, it promotes the wrong playstyle.
  4. spirit

    spirit New Member

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    Agreed... You'll quickly find that the Assassin has no "win button", but several other classes do. And invisible is never truly invisible, its pretty easy to see once you're paying attention.

    The escape mechanism (I'm assuming you mean the smoke bomb) takes forever to happen and the assassin is completely wide open during the process. If someones using it and getting away from you without trouble, they planned ahead and you didn't respond appropriately.
  5. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    The assassins that hide in corner for half the game waiting to get you from behind are bad. 99% of assassins play like this and are easy kills, why people think assassin isn't a problem. Then you bump into a pro assassin that does nothing but farm bots in every lane, build juice ridiculously fast, goes into your base and takes out all turrets, rinse, repeat. Something should be done about the rate she can build juice off bots.
  6. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Assassins are very dangerous to a Gunner when he's laying down a lead carpet on a lane. You just can't hear the cloak while you are firing your minigun. Other than that I had little trouble with Assassins lately.

    I think the shuriken launcher is much more dangerous than the sword!

    This. Unlike any other class she can be waiting right next to your spawn area and choose the right moment to use her juice to take down half your turrets in 10 seconds.
  7. epyx

    epyx New Member

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    solution: be less bad
  8. G1deon

    G1deon New Member

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  9. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Do you want a second pair of sunglasses to go with that Horatio Caine statement? :cool:
  10. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    yeah, the problem with the assassin is she's good at everything- killing pros, pushing lanes/farming, destroying turrets, getting to the annihilator first. You pretty much always have access to her abilities as the cooldowns are so short too. For those of us playing with ~250 ping, the suggestions of "listen for the hum" are an absolute joke.
  11. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    True. If I don't get a slot on one of the EU servers an Assassin can slash you to death with a dagger after a grapple before you can do anything.
  12. noxiousg

    noxiousg New Member

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    Assassins probably* have the lowest average KDR, ADR, and money earned per round of any of the six classes.

    *I am in the process of compiling statistical data on the topic, and I don't yet have enough data to make this assertion definitively, but I believe the trend will continue as I obtain more results (currently I have 67 assassins in the database I'm building out of 296 total players seen over 29 matches).
  13. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    given how popular the assassin is with new players im not sure how informative those stats would be with regards to balance.
  14. rustyangel

    rustyangel New Member

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    Assassin is probably one of the weakest classes in the game, yeah, it has power, but that power is easily overcome by its weaknesses.

    It can instagib, sure, but thats only under certain circumstances, where as almost everything else can instagib the assassin under almost any circumstance. The stealth system really isn't a stealth system at all, you can be seen easily, and heard even easier. In fact most PC owners with nice audio systems can probably detect you better when your stealthing, than when your not. The smoke bomb is nice, but useless if someone is more than about five feet away, they'll still shoot the **** out of you when you try to jump away.

    Theres also the fact they are supposed to be the fastest class in the entire game, yet a fat Italian guy jumping backwards can keep out of its melee range, and on the topic of jumping lets not forget the spacebar basically destroys the entire class, hell even sets them on fire if your a gunner or an assault. All hail the mighty spacebar.

    Essentially, playing an assassin is an uphill battle. There are so many odds stacked against you, its quite infuriating at times. Those who are good with the assassin are people who have gotten their *** kicked enough to know the class, if you think its OP,
    then i agree with a few of the posts here, trying playing as one for about 5 or 6 rounds.
  15. noxiousg

    noxiousg New Member

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    I'm not sure that this is the case. I've stopped collecting level data because it was too time consuming (I had to take screenshots both before and after matches, and then keep track of every player's name and compare screenshots to match player levels to names). When I was doing this though, the assassin was in fact played by on average the highest level players of the six classes.

    Additionally, the assault class is equally as popular as the assassin (the total seen of each has never deviated by more than 6 as I've added matches and stands at 64/67 now), and yet the assault's averages are much better (third best killer, second best assister, third best earner). It could be that the assault is played by more experienced players, but I don't know for sure. I suppose I should not have stopped collecting level information, but I couldn't automate that so it wasn't worth doing.
  16. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Assassins attract new players (devs said so themselves), new players score lower than average, thus average assassin score will be lower than other classes, that does not mean assassins are weak.

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