Army painter

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by scottx125, October 16, 2012.


Army Painter?

  1. Sounds good!

    55 vote(s)
  2. Nope, sounds crap...

    25 vote(s)
  1. scottx125

    scottx125 New Member

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    Hey, i was just talking about PA with a friend and thought that since theres probably not going to be any other factions than the current one "Robots 0.o". Then we should use a sort of Army painter to make our own units unique from everyone elses, like what DOW used with their own logos ect.
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    The army painter would have to be so limited as to be pointless in order to maintain unit readability.

  3. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    You could have secondary and possibly tertiary colours without compromising readability. You could also design your own logo to be put in a specific place on each unit. Kind of like how the Rhino in SupCom has a sort-of Cybran logo on the top of it.

    Anyone else think that the original plan was to have logos on every unit, but that was abandoned except for this unit? I think a couple of UEF units have logos come to think of it, the TML launcher comes to mind but there might be others.


    Cybran logo:
  4. osirus9

    osirus9 Member

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    I think an army painter would be awesome. I loved it in dawn of war, and I never felt it made units hard to differentiate.

    I for one would love to upload custom symbols onto my giant robots so that just by looking at them people would know who was bringing them their doom!
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Oh yeah! That Dawn of War game that let you zoom out to see the entire map! That game that let you control hundreds(potentially thousands) of units picked from dozens of units per faction! They also had the potential huge games consisting of 40 people!

    No wait, that's Planetary Annihilation, Dawn of War has a locked zoom very, limited unit caps and the stock max 8 players per match(I think, it's been awhile).

    You know, something tells me they aren't exactly comparable in this instance! I can't quite put my finger on it........

    Gosh I just can't seem to think of it!


    In all seriousness, this has already been talked to death, and while it might be cool from an aesthetics perspective, it's not very practical from a gameplay perspective.

  6. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    I dont realy care if its realy limited, i would love to be able to change my bots main color to my favorite RGB color value.

    Just having one or two colors that you can change (With rgb input or simular) would be enof and still make the bots recognizable (Offcourse it can be debated to be more of a advanced color selection then a army painter).

    I would however love badges if they add them (Like in dawn of war, sure you do get the rare hitler or penis badge on enemies, but its worth it anyway).
  7. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    Regarding available army colours, can there be a limit on how dark you can make them? SupCom originally allowed you to choose black, which meant identifying the icons was very hard. All main colours should have at least 50% brightness.
  8. robinvanb

    robinvanb New Member

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    There was already a discussion on this. It's a shame you didn't search for it.

    I like the idea of custom colours and even emblems. But emblems might be stretching it a little because of the potential size of battles. But choosing your own color set should be doable. But it's all nice to have reallyand not mandatory. If there's time; I would say go for it but not in favor of essential gameplay mechanics.
  9. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    They could limit the badges/emblems to only show up on (for example): The commander and factorys? Or something similar.

    Army customisation in general would be nice in a game with only one faction (Visual customisation). But i do agree with the "If there's time" statement.
  10. Teod

    Teod Well-Known Member

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    One player paint his army in "255 255 0", other one uses "255 255 1". The game thinks that's different colors, but they are indistinguishable by human eyes.

    Default set of 40 colors (games up to 40 players, right?) is already large enough to pick what you want, so no army painter needed. Emblems on commanders and buildings are okay, but there is no point in them anyway.
  11. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Damn, you have a good argument there. Indeed, in dawn of war the same color rarely was a problem (Different factions, not that many players, etc). But in PA with the same faction, 1000 of units and 40 players your bound to run into two players with a allmost identical color scheme were you cant easily see what units belong to who. It will be hard for them to find 40 colors that arent nearly identical.

    I do however disagree with there "being no point" in emblems (For me they make me feel more connected with my army, it feels like my army not a clone of everyone elses). They might even make it easier to differ two player with a simular color (Blue and light blue for example), Example: If both players has a very similar color and one has a orange emblem and one has a black one.

    But every player has there own opinion on such matters (Visual customisations in games), some couldent care less, some like there own style on everything, so there's not realy any need to discuss it further (The "Emblems are usefull or useless part").
  12. Alcheon

    Alcheon Member

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    this was already discussed(here

    the basic conclusions reached seems to be that an ultra detailed army painter wouldn't be readable at any reasonable play distance, particularily given the need to quickly identify units and react to them without zooming in real close to see what color shoes he's wearing.

    simple primary secondary coloring and maybe tertiary patterning (ie. offset vertical stripping, cammo pattern, etc...) seemed to be the most realistic option available given the need Vs. usefulness, while an ultra detailed army painter might sound cool it probably wouldn't play well. though a banner creator would be cool, just a banner to be set up at or around your base/ bases, large, easily readable, unique emblem (similar to D3's banner creation, ie. chose from a predefined set of options to create a unique banner that is you)
  13. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    It would realy help if the devs made a thread called "Ideas under consideration" were they make a list of all ideas they have seen on the forums. That way we wouldent repost so much (hopefully).
  14. robinvanb

    robinvanb New Member

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    Or, you use the search function.
  15. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    But that dosent answer the question you want answered, if the devs have seen the thread (the idea) or not xD.
  16. robinvanb

    robinvanb New Member

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    I think Neutrino said at one point that read the majority (if not all) of the posts. At this point in development it's probably more important to get the base architecture developed, the engine, the art style, the AI and that sort of things.

    Maybe when they start with gameplay mechanics it would be worth spending the time with categorizing ideas. Right now, it's probably a waste of time, as it would take a considerable amount of time.
  17. chronoblip

    chronoblip Member

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    I also already made a topic about this more than a month ago, it even had the words "Army Painter" in the title, and came to very similar conclusions. :lol:

    While the energy is appreciated, some of it needs to be directed at doing research. The devs are much more aware of many of the topics than people often give them credit, but they found that relaying that information was causing more pain than progress, so until the backer forums and alpha get going I wouldn't expect to see a lot of detailed discussions involving the devs on any topic.
  18. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Would it not also change the color of your unit icons at long range?
  19. rockobot

    rockobot Member

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    My argument for two players making the same colored armies is that there's no reason to keep player colors (the color your name,insignia,icons on the map, etc) the same as your painted army colors.

    Just because I'm playing as the Red team doesn't mean my individual bots need to be painted red if their icons accurately reflect who I am as a player.
  20. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    And how would you then see who's bots they are when your zoomed in so that the icons arent visable? (Or did i miss something?)

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