So I fired up the game and checked the Armory. It seems I have all commanders except the Delta Commander which I should be entitled to. Second I checked the Badges and it seems I have only the PA Alpha Participant. But I should have the Alpha, Beta, Kickstarter and Cosmic Edition badges. Maybe it is due to the fact I used the paypal option to kickstart the project? Anybody else having the same problems?
Most likely, yes. The full list of who gets what is a complex one we haven't fully mapped. I believe right now it's just those who Kickstarted the project via Kickstarter who have even remotely close to what they're supposed to have access to.
Yeah. @mkrater mocked me, and called me a pokemon trainer. She just jealous of my Pigeot. I think it's wrong. They've worded it badly. I am both an alpha and Beta participant. But I joined in Alpha. That's the badge they want to give you.