Armory badges (and commanders)

Discussion in 'Support!' started by tyrelionprime, March 3, 2014.

  1. tyrelionprime

    tyrelionprime New Member

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    Hi all,

    I just logged in after being unable to play for a month (withdrawal symptoms in progress...) and saw the gamma release... Yeeey.

    yet while checking out the armoury it just states "Uh oh, we don't seem to be able to locate your stuff." With a refresh button next t it.
    I can refresh whatever I want yet it still says it can't locate my stuff.

    I have played since the first day of the Alpha release... yet my badges are not shown, nor the commander skins I should have...

    Is there some connection issue when starting the game up from Steam or so?

    Also... it would be VERY helpful for both players and developers I think if there is a "report bug" button in the game to be able to report bugs and issues directly instead of through a forum.
    It's easy to even implement a form where players can select the category of the issue, i.e. graphic or gamplay or connection or ..., which should make sorting out all the bug reports a LOT easier for the devs instead of having to go through all these forum threads... and set up an easy question database where THEY (the devs) can post known issues and the official solutions/answers to FAQ and players can then easy find certain solution instead of having to deal with entire forums of random morrons writing childish flame threats to HOPEFULLY find that ONE post of that ONE guy (or girl) which contains the answer to the question...


    Tyrelion Prime
    Last edited: March 3, 2014
  2. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    this is a known issue and Uber is working on fixing it.
  3. tyrelionprime

    tyrelionprime New Member

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    Happy to hear it is a known issue and it is being addressed. Not a real problem, so not really a priority, yet would be fun to have this resolved before launch :p Whenever that may be :p

    Thanks for the straightforward answer, Nixtempestas.


    Yet returning to the second half of my post... this would have saved a LOT of time is there was a "bug report"button and a known issue database accessible within the game as it is with almost ANY other game I have been beta testing over the years.

    And to those who will counter this with: setting up and updating such a Database takes up a lot of time from devs, time which can be spend on the actual development of the game.
    Well, I simply say this: it will take less time to set up such a database then having to sift through all the threads here on the forum and all the useless posts people make then having all bug reports coming in categorized from the start and simply putting up: "known issue with xxxxxx, solution being worked on"or "known issue, temporary solution is xxxxxx" and then even avoiding countless duplicate questions in the future.
  4. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    I think a simple link in the game to the bug tracker would be a good first step, and would take like, 5 minutes to put in there.
    cdrkf likes this.
  5. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    You mean like pressing Ctrl + F10? :)
    This is admittedly a bit of a hidden thing.
  6. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    well, I think thats part of the problem, things are hidden.

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