Alright, I'm not here to start some debate between the casual players and the competitive but if you like MNC and plan on playing it I'd like to see your support over on Gamebattles. Gamebattles is basically a site where you can compete on a ladder with a team or sometimes in single, or doubles ladder. They also have cash tournaments depending on the ladders popularity. It's basically just a place to play with other competitive gamers. While I don't expect MNC to have cash tourneys I do hope it can get its own ladder. Hydro Thunder, Uno, Magic and Texas Hold 'Em already have one. All you need to do to help is follow the link, sign up and vote. Every vote helps, and I appreciate all of you who take the time to do so. If you have any questions about GB or whatever feel free to ask.
sweet i have a reason to use my game battles account cant w8 2 see u guys on there and possbly get a team running
Just a slight bump and some words of advice. We're currently at 45, which is good but we can always be better. Having a game on GB will significantly improve this game's popularity not to mention it's amount of highly skilled players. So don't forget to sign up and vote!
Sounds fun, this looks like it could be a pretty devastating competition once it gets rolling. I haven't played yet but I'm looking at support so if we want to get teams together I'm game. If anyone wants to play and maybe talk about joining up my gamertag is below, see ya guys out there tomorrow. GT: Zombinos20
Yea I just updated my Stream Site to help the poll get more votes.