They are going for a summer release, summers about 2/3 months away, shouldn't they have a alpha build ready by now?
Who says they don't have an Alpha build? They've been building all new technology practically from the ground up, they've said they're getting to the point where integration is starting, having "playable" builds is the basic result of Integration. Mike
But in all seriousness, these things take time and from what Uber has shown us in screenshots and in the livestreams I think they are making good progress and we will probably see a playable alpha rather soon.
Well, not for South Hemisphere. Summer/Autumn for them. Or my place. Should be Spring but the crappy weather and temperatures feels more like Winter. If we refer to actual weather, Uber have a good year of spare time from my point of view
I always wondered about that. Do people in Australia and South America ever get confused by the release dates put out by American and European game developers?
You could. But United States and Europe are bigger markets, so most of the time annonces adapt to the audience. And from what i saw in the past, most of the time annoncers take care to not refering to a non-universal thing with deadlines. They use month (Jully, January), or vague descriptions (Fall 2013, Mid 2013) when uncertain about the date.
Yes, we (at least I do) often get confused about Winter 2013 - is that the beginning of 2013, or the end of 2013? Technically, that one could confuse people from the Northern Hemisphere too. But I'm guessing that you're so exposed to that terminology that you know which way it is. It's why I like saying Quarter-One 2013... it doesn't matter what part of the world you live in as you share the same calendar.