APM & How it works?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by cellbone, June 11, 2014.

  1. cellbone

    cellbone Member

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    Hey Forum,

    Cell again...yet another question xP

    I know that APM is your average 'Actions Per Minute', however, what contributes to it? What exactly COUNTS towards your apm? Every mouse-click...every time you command a unit to move forwards?

    APM is indeed important to see where you're at skill-wise and gives you a statistic to look at to see yourself improving in the game...but 'IF' it includes every single click, or button you press, is it really worth it to set an apm goal for yourself? Should you feel better about clicking excessively if you don't need to?

    Again, the bit there at the end is speculation and I'm not sure how apm is calculated, so don't hold me to any of those last statements...more of just a "what if" scenario.

    However, if my speculation turns out to be true, and more clicks/button-pressing, or moving a unit forward an inch counts towards apm, I can't imagine a crazy high average meaning you are better than someone with half that apm or rather it being a good statistic to even track whatsoever.

    That basically sums up my thoughts! Let me know what you guys think and I would be very appreciative to anyone who could indulge me more on APM and how it works.

    Thanks again in advance,

  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Uber doesn't track APM.

    I don't know how Cola_Colin tracks it. This would be a question for him.
  3. cellbone

    cellbone Member

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    It's tracked with apstats. I will rephrase, how is APM calculated through APSTATS? lol
  4. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Every action. If you tell units to move, if you start constructing something, or any other command.

    Some players double their APM by clicking two or three times any time they tell units to move. In fact, most players with 100+ APM achieve that by clicking a ton whenever they get units to move.
  5. cellbone

    cellbone Member

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    You see that's what I was afraid of...I mean I love the idea of tracking how good your time-management is, but isn't it a little misleading when you see someone with 100 or 150+ apm, and you see yourself sitting at 75-80 on average? I mean, you could be performing just as well, just not clicking repeatedly as they are.
    PeggleFrank, hahapants and DalekDan like this.
  6. cellbone

    cellbone Member

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    It makes sense now when I watch others play and see them cycling through units or buildings and spamming clicks...lol. Never thought it was a way to just boost apm while idling.
  7. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    People do that to warm up and get into a rhythm. The only apm that matters is mid game activity onwards and whether it is stable. If you find yourself at low apm of about 75-80, then you know there are still things you could be doing - you just need to find them.

    apm counter is only as useful as you make it. If you really are doing 200 apm with actual actions, then you are doing well. If you're just spam clicking and actually have very slow pace in game, then only you know. apm counter isn't an e-peen thing, it's for your own personal feedback
    PeggleFrank likes this.
  8. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    Imo its better to find things to do that actually help you win instead of brainless apmwastes.

    DAEEMON New Member

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    Well it's not so important what ur apm rate is. As u play PA and in PA the mekro game is way more important only important m8icro is to fall back from vanguards and infernos. Thats why the apm rate is generally tracked for starcraft 2 as it is verry micro intense.
  10. hahapants

    hahapants Active Member

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    As a non-asian, I'm happy with my ~40 APM
  11. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    raw apm (= +1 on every button you press), like PA Stats tracks it has indeed not a very big meaning.
    Consider it a fun statistic. Measuring how well you do "time management" or how fast you control stuff isn't easy, in fact I don't think that can be done automatically in general for all players and all games they play.
  12. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Yeah there is a lot of wasted clicks but not brainless. It's used to keep the tempo of your apm high and to warm up a little at the start. You will see in high stress moments better players apm will most likely increase with considerably less wasted clicks. Wasd also contributes to a higher apm.
  13. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    most of the apm for PA will be navigation(wasd, camera anchors) or hotbuild cycling (be it hotbuild2 or Uber's new system)

    I'm unlikely to do more than a handful of clicks to attack someone, just select the army, a few waypoints to attack a base at a certain point, and then move on and let it do its thing.

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