AoE attacks, selecting multiple targets...

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by angelmolina, September 26, 2013.

  1. angelmolina

    angelmolina New Member

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    I was wondering, since this game will be featuring artillery and such, if we will be able to attack enemies within a specific area or squad. Although it isn't always necessary in most RTS games I've played, since clicking one enemy in a squad will cause the rest of your troops to argo the other enemies in the squad as soon as the original target was destroyed, it would be convenient for long range units/buildings.

    The only other game I've seen that did something like this was Homeworld, where you could click-and-drag a selection box across several enemy ships and your selected units would take them out first.

    Another type of selection that I always wanted was to target all the enemy units of the same type. Like say there's a mixed squad of mobile shield generators and tanks. Instead of shift clicking each unit to add them to the targeting queue one by one, you could just double click one of them in order target all of the same type.

    Lastly, in respect to artillery , I was thinking about an adjustable AoE marker: Hold a button and click to bring up an attack area circle with a radius that can be adjusted with the mouse scroll. This way they could fire random strikes within ANY area without necessary targeting specific units/buildings.
  2. Webboy

    Webboy New Member

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    this is something I definitely like to see it getting implemented in the game!
  3. dusanak

    dusanak Member

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    Isn't a simple attack-move a solution to this problem?
  4. Webboy

    Webboy New Member

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    well not really, when you have a very large of army, you certainly don't want every unit attacking the same enemy at the same time, with AoE attack PC will calculate number of enemies in the selected area and distribute your fire power on each enemy unit, which is one of many approaches to this problem.
  5. hohopo

    hohopo Member

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    Not quite, he is talking about the paint function in supreme commander 2 ( hold down right mouse), it let you drag over a squad of units quickly. Which can make a difference in arty fights..

    Also getting the computer to auto select a certain type of unit... ( which if mixed well should be impossible due to other units taking the fire..)
  6. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    The problem with Paint attack was that all it did was create a string of attack orders, so your units would only attack one unit at a time anyways, attack move is still better in most situations.

    Now if you combined the function of the Paint attack and combined with with some Order splitting and/or Overkill control type stuff you could end up with something actually useful.

  7. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Mike is right, it was only actually useful for artillery due to the AOE allowing the overkill to clear out a large number of nearby units at once.
  8. ulight

    ulight Member

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    So an attack densest point of targeted units command? Sounds like it could be really useful for making artillery smarter.
  9. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    No, the point ign was making was that Artillery(and other AOE weapons, in particular those with some firing randomness) circumvented the issues with the way Paint attack worked because they could deal damage to more than one unit in most cases and due to scatter hitting units other than the intended target.

    Compared to basic tank/bot blob which would all fire, and hit only 1 target at a time.

  10. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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  11. ulight

    ulight Member

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    Igncom's point is correct for angelmolina's idea of an adjustable attack ground command. I was more so thinking of how the artillery selects it's next target. If each target had a weight added to it's value based on the closeness of other targets it could act more intelligently by utilizing it's splash or at least try to given it's randomness.
  12. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    I like the addition to FA where you hit Shift+G and all of your queued commands get split as evenly as possible between the targets. Zero K had something like this too I think?

    I don't like the idea of the game automatically calculating how to split your attacks though, I think it should only give you the ability to evenly split your attackers between your targets.
  13. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    That was not present in Stock FA, it was only introduced in the BlackOps: Unleashed.

    But yes I'd like to see a similar system as it would have potentially good compatibility of function with a Paint Attack type command.


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