Im not a very good painter but i love art. It`s kinda random but i draw from time to time, im not a very good painter but i love the randomness of paintings, art and such. I made this thing here: kinda like a tree of life as it grows it get more beautiful, anyway much fun with lines
If you ever feel inspired by PA, we have a Community Fan Art forum thread. Selected pictures may get posted to the PA website!
I took Advanced Higher Art in High School. I didn't learn a thing about actual art, I just learnt how to bs about art like a pro.
I usely just paint my feelings. art is like life. art cant be learned, u to be inspired by something and ur mind does the rest. I allmost flunkt ungdomsskole a school in norway. school usely is a place for people loveing to read. and for dumb people to flunk! school, a good thing!
I pretty much don't agree at all that art can't be learned or that school doesn't teach you art. The only way you can be a good artist is practice and peer review, and what a school does for you is to force practice and provide peer review. The things a school tries to teach you are the less important part.
I was once asked, "How can you break the rules if you don't know what the rules are?" when it came to art, thus why they stated art school had purpose. Plus, kinda like what Kvalheim said, you'll gain knowledge that you can use for parties and other awkward social situations
Inspiration cannot be taught. The skills to express it properly though are like any other skill: practice, practice, practice. Practice tends to be more efficient if you're being guided by someone who knows his shit.