The vast majority of large games that I play crash before they finish in this build. While we wait for an official fix from Uber is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening? When I rejoin it instantly crashes again so that isn't a solution.
update your graphics card drivers might help (worth a try anyway) make sure your not running out of RAM
Are these tips still helpful?
Trophy's question is the first one. Second is - client or server or both? If client, absolutely make sure everything on your system is as up to date as possible - drivers in particular (highly recommend the latest Nvidia beta drivers if you're on nvidia). If you're on a lower end machine, also try and play smaller maps - find out where the breaking point is. If a single 700 planet plays fine, but a triple planet, all averaging 650 crashes, start finding where things work. On a 64-bit system, you shouldn't easily run out of memory, but if you're on 32-bit windows, it is still possible to run out of memory which is remarkably difficult to prevent from crashing.
1. Stable build 2. My graphics drivers are the latest 3. I would not consider my machine to be low end but it isn't exactly top end either: Fx-6300 GTX660 8GB RAM 64 bit Windows I haven't got the latest beta drivers but after that mess a while back where Nvdia pushed drivers that permanently damaged some cards I wasn't in any rush to. Would the latest beta drivers make a big difference to the performance? If so I'll pick them up. I think the crash might be server side because I was playing with a friend and he crashed at the exact same time I did. I appreciate the help by the way.
The performance of the game, while not the best, is definitely playable with various options turned off for me. These crashes have only been happening to me in this build (I think!)
odd, I get plenty of crashes while in the lobby, but once in a game, it is quite stable (both stable and PTE)
Could it be due to the system requiring more RAM than I've got? The RAM definitely isn't corrupt because I've tested it before but on larger systems the game is using 6-7 out of 8GB, sometimes even higher. Although this might not be the reason because the game runs adequately until the crash.
It is possible, but I only have 8 GB as well, you got to be playing on some pretty insane systems to fill that up. If your system is using more than 7 GB of 8, you'll start running into issues. Try shrinking the planets a bit.