I've been reading a couple of the guides people have posted, and noticed that all/almost all do not mention the Health Regen sponser. Has this not been used much, or is it just worthless?
you havent read close enough. the commonly most accepted assassin build, is gold armor, silver fire-rate, and bronze health regen. they say its amazing, if you smokebomb jump then you will be regening health by time you hit the ground again. also good on the gunner in my opinion. if im playing territory, i use it on bronze so i can stay in an area after multiple fights. the gunner has horrible initial health regen, takes forever, so you NEED a support, NEED health regen endorsement, or NEED to retreat after about every fight. on gold its quirky, there are better endorsements that allow you to do more damage or have more health. otherwise, its a fine endorsement. on an assault it may be PRETTY ok, not amazing, but if you dodge around enough you can regen health while the enemy cant.
DeadStretch has a tank guide with somewhat unorthodox tank builds. As his guide says, while most tanks define themselves by their bronze endorsement, his tank is defined by the gold endorsement, and one of his three builds uses gold health regen.
Health regen isn't useless, its just outclassed. It can help each class, but many other endorsements help them more. Probably the classes that can use health regen the most are the assassin, gunner, and tank. The others can use it, but more than likely better endorsements are there.
I use it on my assassin and sniper build and it works well for both, its down to preference, if you die while you have backed off with a slither of health a lot then it is for you. I tried it on the assault but it didnt give me a good deal for getting rid of my acc.
Let me fine out the details for you.. health regen lowers the wait time to be healed and decreases the time to fill your bar The bigger classes take longer to heal The smalled classes heal the quickest Passive health regen shortens the wait time by 2 seconds So... Gold-3 seconds Silver-2 seconds Bronze-1 Second Tank/gunners take 9-10 seconds to heal without passives and health regen.. Adding gold will make it roughly 6-7 seconds.. Understand what im getting at? Sniper/Assassin- Roughly 3-4 seconds with gold health regen... 5-6 with bronze Support with passive 2 and gold health regen- 3 seconds Tank with passive 3 and deploy 2 and gold health regen- just as quick as passive clutch/better So it is not useless but great for those who like to hit and run... I'm sure someone here will try and correct me and tell me its in some other persons guide but I've yet to find it. If your going to use it effectively: Tank/Sniper/Assassin/Support can abuse it the most The other classes don't have nothing to lower the wait time.. i mean a gunner/assault can benefit from it but 5 seconds can be fatal.
I use it Assassin/Sniper in the bronze slot since they're squishy and need to increase. I also run it in one of my tank builds (ROF/Acc/Regen)
if im not mistaken, the one and only sir ninja wallace runs bronze health recovery on his main assault.
I used to run Gold Health on my Tank because that plus passive 2, and deploy 2 means I can nearly die, round a corner, deploy and be full health by the time the pursuer makes it to me. SURPRISE!
I'm experimenting with: Gold anything* Silver RoF Bronze Acc I've tried clip but that's useless on bronze. Silver is enough. Next up is health regen, I'll post my experiences on here.