Don't download as much pr0n in the background. If you want to be able to download more you can't really do anything but get better internet.
Apparently there are a bunch of "internet enhancement" gadgets available now. They probably all do nothing.
This. If this is not the problem, then it probably means you live in a crappy area like myself, where you can't get the quality of internet that you'd gladly pay for.
I'm trying really, really hard not to turn my reply into a rant about net neutrality and my ISP being a general asshat. The only things you can do besides pay more won't make an enormous effect. Try turning off any devices that use the internet. A connected Wii can actually sap your internet of some its strength.
no, just don't have your laptop your mothers laptop your desktop and your sisters laptop running at the same time. If they're turned off it doesn't effect it much also note TURNED OFF not that damn sleep mode some macs have that my parents refuse to believe is not the same thing that is turned off *Sigh*. Also you could try changing ISP local ones tend to be crappy just sayin