Any thought of putting early cut ideas back to the game?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by ElfControl, November 10, 2010.

  1. ElfControl

    ElfControl New Member

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    i think a developer mention there neutral turrets in the games early ages any thought of brinning that or somethign else that might have cut? Maybe for lulz or custom game
  2. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    I don't think that any of the current maps would be balanced with neutral turrets... maybe a whole new map, but god forbid they slapped some onto Steel Peel. Hard enough to take map control as is!
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    on c&c renegade, gun emplacements were on larger maps.

    large maps or well sectioned off maps would be the only balanced ones. right now the only maps i could see you putting a few of them in is ammo mule and grenade. ammo mule you would have to put them in relatively useless spots, spots on the middle-left-and-right edges that dont have overpowered ranges.

    again, neutral turret nubs, and new turrets, and being unable to build certain turrets on certain nubs (longshots underneath of a roof and certain turrets on neutral nubs), would be cool ideas in the future of this game, even if its the distant future.
  4. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    I loved C&C Renegade. I was actually at Westwood when they developed it, sadly i wasn't on that team. I played the hell out of that game. It had some unique shooter gameplay that hasn't been reused but should be.

    I will say that a lot of things that got cut were cut for good reason, including the neutral turrets.
    We also had turreNts in the game once... But they were way OP.
  5. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    0 should have borrowed Brett's old notebooks instead of plagiarizing Gabe's. Better content, and no pizza grease or chocolate stains on the pages.

    So what was it like working for Westwood at the end of a dynasty?

    I have fond memories of all their games, especially classics like Dune II and Blade Runner. EA sucks a sack of monkey spunk.

    Kudos for working on Earth & Beyond. It had some redeeming qualities that set it apart from Evercrap, and the presentation was pure Westwood. Star Bores was a step backwards compared to what your team pulled off several years prior.
  6. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    If it was really Gabe's notebook, he'd have eaten the pages with the stains. :lol:
  7. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Jan 24, 2003 was one of the worst days of my life... that was the day they announced to the devs that Westwood was closing. It was a very, very sad day. I loved working there, I loved living in Vegas, I loved the people I worked with, and I did NOT want to move to LA. (Even though I did) Everyone from Castle and Sperry down to the people in the trenches with me are all top notch people. I'm still good friends with people I met there.

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