Just wandering if/when galactic war will be worked on and when we will be seeing some improvements that makes it a little less of a waste of time. Thanks.
TBH I believe that PA will need another year to reach what it should have been on release. I hope Uber survives this year.
Doubt it. Have you seen the subreddit, forums, and server browser lately? All are nigh dead; even on a saturday night I could barely populate a lobby. /doomgloom
https://forums.uberent.com/threads/pa-stats-usage-statistics.65804/ According to the stats it is still doing pretty okay, so i am not too worried about the amount of players. I would be more worried about the finances of uber, before being worried about the playerbase dying out at the moment.
Erm... The forums are most certainly not dead, we get new users decently often. We just don't have as much to discuss, and much of what we do discuss is a rehash of what we did in alpha, beta, and gamma. Can't say anything about the subreddit though.