Just would like to know how it is coming along if you think its gonna be another month or longer b4 we get it???
well, this fall features the release of... [edit-add]assassins creed fallout medal of honor call of duty fable final fantasy dead rising halo guitar hero portal 2, which i had reserved and is the only game that decided to push their release date to january, to avoid competition with $400 of other games, which i dont actually blame them, plus they said it would give them more time to sharpen the game up and add more things (they didnt actually admit to the competition part, thats my own assumption) point is, of all these releases, do you think even mighty microsoft is going to have the man-power get to monday night combat before spring of next year? probably, but still wont be incredibly soon.
Actually, the developers will be posting news and information about the first dlc next week. They also said that it will be out "sooner rather than later."
fixed. i know i actually left one or two more out, anyone else care to fill in the blank? hope i dont have to make this same post in another year or two, because this game should be the list-topping best-seller with highest popularity lol. halo and cod are going to have to wait on their dlc for this normally i dont brag about this, but heres a random fact. did you guys know im actually really good at guitar hero? im talking i can get 512,000 on through the fire and the flames on expert. i play online here and there, beat good people by an okay margin, and hear that they do tournaments lol. wish i did tournaments >.> i bet id pay for a better guitar controller, not this one i hafta sauter to fix lol. just a random fact is all.
I'm pretty beastly on Hard difficulty, and can do a few on expert, but not Fire and Flames lol.... Lefty flipped of course :shock:
Liefglinde, you are looking forward to Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood? I would have never guessed that. Yes, the DLC will be out sooner rather than later.
Two reasons to pre-order games (as a consumer): * Guaranteed access the day it's released * Pre-order only bonuses like unique costumes, guns, etc. Depending on where you live or buy games, I've noticed that the kinds of games that in the past would require a pre-order to be able to find the day it comes out simply don't have that issue anymore. I rarely pre-order games from anywhere that won't mail it to me except on the rare case of a game that comes out on a Sunday (Super Mario Galaxy 2!), and the people I know who do still pre-order at stores usually complain that they're stuck waiting in the pre-order lines while the non pre-order line moves faster and seem to have more than enough copies.
When I got red dead redemption, it was a week late and I still got a free deck of cards because no one at that walmart claimed them. Also walmart was the only people to have any copies. But then again I typically buy games used for $20 because so few have decent replay value. MNC being one of the very few exceptions which is amazing considering it is only $15. Also, where can I buy some ******* merch. That is easy money for you.
Thanks for the reply i guess i need to read between the lines also admins do you play online with us and hide in the shadows???