Anti gravity magnetic override planetary pull

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by slow0, December 24, 2013.

  1. slow0

    slow0 New Member

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    The name says it all a way to pull planets into your solar system so u are able to nuke them. This happens on a progressive basis and takes along time to set up. U are able to target a planet and able to draw it closer to u by using an anti gravity magnet. Maybe have to send some type of receiver to the planet of choice and the enemy would be able to destroy the receiver meaning u would have to send multiple receivers to draw the planet closer and closer until its in the magnetic pull of the planet your on meaning all out nuke war. Just a suggestion.
  2. blockheadd

    blockheadd New Member

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    One of the first things I do when I land on a planet is lock it down so that nobody else can set up any sort of base on it. Assuming you can only pull planets that are small enough for Halleys to move I'm not sure how feasible building a receiver on such a small planet is, as you'd have to build a base to defend it anyway (assuming it's a structure), so perhaps capturing the entire planet would make more sense, negating the need to build a receiver, because why would you when you can just build Halleys and send the planet wherever you want?

    If receivers were not needed to pull a planet, I feel that it would strongly discourage players from spreading to other planets, because of the risk of having it pulled in and nuked to hell or something.

    PS: if it pulls planets toward itself, wouldn't it just be a gravity magnet? :p
  3. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Maybe just build a longer range missile? It's a bit easier then dragging whole planets around (because why don't you pull it into the sun at that point?)

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