Pa.exe has stopped working. Tried launching via steam, and via the desktop shortcut. Updated DX everything, graphics drivers, don't have sound drivers (just a USB device driver which checks out fine, Plantronics headset). Running what was a high-end Alienware desktop system a couple years ago, it's still solid: Windows 7 64-bit. Intel i7 930, 2.8GHz. 12GB RAM. DX11. Dual ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series, current drivers (3/28/13, updated today). Dxdiag and a log file attached. Any help is appreciated, I've read through a lot of posts on here trying to find a solution, and the level of involvement is encouraging to be sure. Thanks, Michael
Note: Installing uber-launcher now, that I found in another thread, and it's patching... will update as I get more information.