ANOTHER bug with this game. Teleporting Bots

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by NovaKnight21, May 3, 2011.

  1. NovaKnight21

    NovaKnight21 New Member

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    Ever notice this one happening?

    Persons A and B are on opposite teams. Person A spawns a set of bots (For the sake of this discussion, we'll say a bouncer.) Person B gets the attention of the bouncer. Person B leads the bouncer under person A's ball. The bouncer instantly teleports to the other side of the area, latching onto person B's ball. Doesn't matter how much defense you have on your base, it will instantly be on the ball and be bringing it down.

    I've tested it with Bouncer, Scramblers, and Gremlins. I assume Jackbots, Buzzers, and Gapshots wouldn't work because they can't jump on the ball, but if you could somehow lure a Slimbot or Blackjack there it likely would.
  2. Nova Warlord

    Nova Warlord New Member

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    Hey i dunno about your problem , but i just thought it was cool cuz our names were similar. Are you like my long lost Nova cousin? lol , i think we played tonight too .

    XENONOX New Member

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    That's the mofo.

  4. NovaKnight21

    NovaKnight21 New Member

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    Hah. Yeah, I played with both you guys last night.

    But this is something me and a few friends tried in a private match afterwards. I would assume that it's the same for a public match. And it is a huge problem, because if one of your friends gets split to another team repeatedly (Like has happened multiple times when my friends and I play) one person could sandbag/sabotage his own team because he's not on the same team as his friends.

    I used to love playing this game, but there are just so many bugs that they need to fix and it's been so long since the Xbox got an update... :(
  5. Disturbance24

    Disturbance24 Member

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    I played with you too last night. Small world much huh? Anyway, it's unfortunate that the Xbox has so many bugs. As for split parties, if a friend joins into a game late, they might be assigned to the other team. If you all join a game together on the same team, the game will try to keep you together. But, the game has many bugs tat need to be fixed, such as the assassin's dash glitching up. Hopefully the next 360 patch will fix this, and hopefully it will be in the near future.

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