Almost everyone on this board is actually pretty cool and very willing to help/teach you. Contrary to what you might be thinking, most of us enjoy a good challenging match and encourage others to learn and get better at this game. The few members here are the people who built the meta-game into what it is today, and we have collectively taught hundreds of other players tips and tricks that have made them at least be able to hold their own against Juice chainers and small parties of pub stompers. Don't come in here with your attitude trying to talk down to them and you might actually make a friend or two here. We have been around long enough to have witnessed that pattern over and over again. It doesn't end well, trust me. If you enjoy this game and would like to get better, or just have some fun people to play with that don't take video games too seriously, check your video game hostilities at the log in prompt. Respect begets respect. This is in no way an attack on anyone in particular; it is more of a Pro Tip for the new users who think they'll get anywhere here by spewing childish insults and snide remarks.
Yep. I try my nuts off on the forums. I've even been banned for glitching the forum leaderboards. Shh...