Would be kinda dull to have robot portraits animated wouldent it? What would they do? Flash a light on and off? I would understand if they used pilots and those were in the portraits (like starcraft) but i have a hard time visualizing it for a pure robot army. P.s PLEASE please dont add moving robot face parts like in transformers, god that makes no sense.
I don't know, it seems like a waste of time. We could probably just make it by ourselves when we get modding tools.
Thats true. This is the answer to all ideas of the community which are not good enough for the "ok we make that" status.
Why waste UI space on something with no purpose or use? If you want to see the Units up close, just zoooooooom in. Mike
Since the UI uses web tech, I guess it should be able to render animated .gif files. rendering out an idle animation to a gif does not take much time (when you already have the animation) and otherwise I'm sure some one can create a mod for it like has been pointed out.
Depending on what rendering engine it was based off of, animated PNG might even be possible. Opera and Firefox have supported the format for some time.
Ohh, and if its just a UI mod then a person using it would be able to play with others too (unless im mistaken). Nice.
As a mod, I could stand it but this should not be integrated into the game. Waste of time for Uber. If you want a portrait, zoom in and tilt the camera. The units will even attack in that portrait!
So a mod creating a small window, with a camera pow right in front of the unit. I may be wrong, but it shouldn't be too hard to do, though a second window will probably be more of a strain on your computer.