AndreasG 1v1 Map Pack: 2.1.5!! 3 New maps

Discussion in 'Mapping and stuff' started by andreasgg, October 4, 2015.

  1. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

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    I am Andreas G and I present to you my pure 1v1 map pack.

    The map pack started when I got so tired of the current 1v1 maps we have to play over and over again. After getting some good results with the system designer I decided to get together the best maps in a map pack. That is why I today present a ever growing map pack with well thought through and hopefully good maps. The metal and CSG placement is a result off hours (including loosing it to not saving a lot of times). I plan on adding more maps as I or other map makers make good 1v1 maps. The map pack currently consists of 16 maps made by me and other talented map makes (currently: Mot9001 and more coming).

    Many community members have complained about the lack of different 1v1 maps. The maps are therefore a good mix. You can find small and big planets, open and closed, a lot of and spare metal, different biomes and believe it or not multi planet systems as well as single.

    You can download the map pack through PAMM. It is called “Andreas G 1v1 Map pack”

    Here you can see a short representation on the maps with some pictures. If you have any thoughts/ feedback/ ideas or want to contribute please contact me or comment below. I will update the tread when there are new maps available.

    I will cast a game on all of the systems and add it as a example together with thoughts on different gamplay and strategy, so I would be extremely happy if you sent me good replays from them and I’ll take a look.

    A special thank you to:
    @Alpha2546 for helping me out with the pack and being patient :)
    @mot9001 for making some awesome maps + more to come :)

    Current map pool:
    • The Forgery
    • Chocke
    • The Faceoff
    • GSystem
    • 8 Leaf Clover
    • Mots Recipe for Disaster
    • AmazonasSafari
    • FrozenOreoYoughurt
    • Atlantis
    • Hades
    • TheClassyBarren
    • DeathStar
    • Tundra
    • TropicanHoneyDonut
    • OvercookedPizza
    • ColdFeets

    Do you have a good 1v1 map you would like me to add? Contact me and ill take a look :)
    Last edited by a moderator: February 16, 2016
    Quitch, Furballman, n00n and 3 others like this.
  2. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

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    The Forgery

    Radius: 400

    Description: You love forge, but are a bit tired of it? The Forgery is heavily inspired of the well known map with some revolutionary tweaks.

    Metal: 60

    Creator: AndreasG

    Forgery 2.jpg
    Forgery 3.jpg


    Radius: 500

    Description: My favorite map in the map pack. Play on a naval/land map with endless different strategies. Which one is the best? Will you fight over the islands or will you rule the seven seas? Be ready for a game to remember!

    Metal: 92

    Creator: AndreasG

    Chocke 1.jpg
    chocke 2.jpg
    Chocke 3.jpg

    The Faceoff

    Radius: 400

    Description: On this map you fight on a small moon planet face to face with your opponent. Locking down areas, good decisions and reclaim is vital.

    Metal: 34

    Creator: Andreas G

    Metal1.jpg Mettal 3.jpg Metal2.png
    Last edited by a moderator: October 18, 2015
    Quitch, easybox, tracert and 2 others like this.
  3. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

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    Radius: 450

    Description: Play on a middle sized planet that is micro heavy. GSystem is a map that separates the very best player from the slightly less skilled. On this map you need to be everywhere. The question is whether GSystem will be your enemy or friend. The players spawn on the poles, so fighting over metal is a must.

    Metal: 52

    Creator: AndreasG

    GSystem1.jpg GSystem3.jpg GSystem2.jpg

    8 Leaf Clover

    Radius: 960

    Description: The known map for Able Gamers Tournament made by the amazing Mot. The system is for everyone who enjoys bigger maps. There are a 1/8 chance of you spawning in right next to your enemy commander. This map has huge replay value. The game will be heavily affected by where you spawn relative to each other which never will be the same.

    Metal: 156

    Creator: Mot9001

    8Leaf 1.jpg 8Leaf 2.jpg

    Mots Recipe for Disaster

    Planets: 6 + gass

    Starting planets: 2

    Description: One of Mots crazy maps. I challenge you to go some rounds on this madness. Fight over the galaxy in the craziest 1v1 you could possibly play. This is a system that heavily favorites macro and a bigger plan. This is like nothing you have ever played 1v1. The system is compact aka the orbital only uses max 15 sek from edge to edge. Will you spawn in on the same planet as your opponent or will the game end in a fast pace orbital Mekka? May the gods be with you.

    Creator: Mot9001

    MRFD S1.jpg MRFD S3.jpg MRFD 9.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: October 18, 2015
    Quitch, easybox, mot9001 and 3 others like this.
  4. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

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    Radius: 500

    Description: A compact 1v1 that has all the elements. Balance the rading, pushing, controlling and eco on a next level to take it home. If you expand greedy you may end up as dinner. With ponds around the map, naval is an interesting choice. There is a short path to your opponents bace, but thats not where you'll find the metal. A lot of availble metal makes t2 units more commond. A good variaton to ladder maps.

    Metal: 110

    Creator: Andreas G

    Amazonas.jpg Amazonas 2.jpg Amazonas 3.jpg


    Radius: 670

    Description: The biggest and coolest looking map this far. This one is a bit of a puzzle. Are you a good macro player? How will you solve it? When are you going to time your naval? FrozenOreoYoughurt can be your best friend but also pretty sour if you are expiring.

    Metal: 104

    Creator: Andreas G

    FOY 1.jpg FOY 2.jpg FOY 3.jpg FOY 4.jpg


    Radius: 513

    Description: A competitive 1v1 Naval only map, first i've made, and one of the only ones there are. Fight over a stunning plannet with Alien Setlements and structures. Are you skilled in the art of naval?

    Metal: 59

    Creator: Andreas G

    Atlantis 1.jpg Atlantis 2.jpg Atlantis 3.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: February 5, 2016
    Quitch and stuart98 like this.
  5. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:

    Radius: 556

    Description: Fight over PA Hell on an intense 1v1 map. Your enemy is closer than you think!

    Metal: 54

    Creator: Andreas G

    Hades 1.jpg Hades 2.jpg Hades 3.jpg


    Radius: 500

    Description: This map takes you back to the roots of PA where the barren moon ruled the ancient universe. This is a dox haven with enough metal for most players. The spawn area is huge, meening you do not only have to choose a landing spot yourself, you also have to locate your opponent. Just like old times. Biggest difference; it is 100% fair and symetrical.

    Metal: 130

    Creator: Andreas G

    Barren 1.jpg Barren 2.jpg Barren 3.jpg


    Radius: 570

    Description: Inspired by the amazing series Star Wars the Clonewars I pressent you this amazing first of its kind 1v1 Metal map. Jokes aside. You get two spawns to choose form, same with your opponent. The plannet is made so that all the spawns give equal chances but have some smal differences. Fight over the frontside, expand and raid the backside. Given the Symetri options on metal planets, this is as intresting as you can get it.

    Metal: 92

    Creator: Andreas G

    DeathStar 1.jpg DeathStar 2.jpg DeathStar 3.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: February 5, 2016
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  6. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

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    Radius: 450

    Description: The frozen landscape ruled by tundra and frost, your units will be pushed to their absoulute max. The best strat will rulle the beaut. Tundra is a strategy demanding planet where the games are going to be decided by deciding choices.

    Metal: 48

    Creator: Andreas G

    Tundra 1.jpg Tudra 2.jpg Tundra 3.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: February 5, 2016
    Quitch and stuart98 like this.
  7. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Reserved for post showcase
    proeleert and andreasgg like this.
  8. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    A short presentation of the maps added :)
    proeleert likes this.
  9. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Wow these look really good. It's a bummer that they can't be included in the official ladder pool :(
    andreasgg likes this.
  10. ljfed

    ljfed Active Member

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    YES! =P
    andreasgg likes this.
  11. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    Actually some are quite fun for 2v2's too! Good stuff
  12. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

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    Here we go!
    New update :) Run, download, test and have fun.

    • 2 New maps (AmazonasSafari and FrozenOreoYoughurt) added. A presentation of the maps can be found above
    • Forge update. Height changes on one of the csg platforms to not look flat. Csg added in the middle to prevent troops to walk over lavea
    Stay tuned, more is on the way :)

    They all work with teamgames as long as it is shared. 2 of the maps it actually feaured in the clopsey 2v2 tournament map pool. The new map FrozenOreoYoughurt is especially good for 2v2- 4v4 as well :)
  13. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

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    2.0.0!! 5 New Maps Added
    Summs up the last two updates to the pack, including 5 maps


    • 5 New maps (Atlantis, Hades, TheClassyBarren, DeathStar and Tundra) added. A presentation of the maps can be found above
    • Cliché and overdramatic map descriptions added
    • Smal bug fixes on maps
    Planning on adding:

    • Support for customized spawns to teamsize (set up spawns so they are customized to different numbers of players) Have to talk to mikyh first.
    • Make and add more maps.
    • Add other good maps from other talented map makers.
    • Removing all my typoes that is all over this map pack (Damn Norwegian)

    I am going to add more maps to this map pack in the future and are looking forward to doing so. My goal is that the map pack should have maps for everyone in every situation. I aim to grow the pack so that we get even better variety in the 1v1 scene. Therefore I am welcoming other mapmakers to make maps and have them featured in the pack as well (to make it bigger and better). That is a neat way we can have all the good 1v1 maps gathered in a place like a buffet
    Qzipco have a map coming up so that is something to look forward to. N3ON also have one coming (Going to be added if he wants and allows me)
    And you have one of course :D

    Except from that I would love to get replay links to close and good games on maps from the map pack. That way I can make some YouTube videos casting and showing them off and possibly explain my thoughts around elements and why they are there (why I did what I did and why). :)

    Thanks to all the good feedback I’ve got. It is what motivates me to make even more and develop the pack :) I am open to feedback both negative and positive.

    I hope the new maps tastes, and have fun getting to know them.
    Last edited by a moderator: February 5, 2016
    doud and Quitch like this.
  14. andreasgg

    andreasgg Well-Known Member

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    2.1.5!! 3 New Maps :D
    Summs up last update to AndreasG 1v1 Mappack, aka 3 maps

    • 3 New maps (TropicanHoneyDonut, OvercookedPizza and ColdFeets)
    • Cliché and overdramatic map descriptions with lots of typoes
    • Bug fixes in map scripts
    • Preparing psychologically on making more maps in the future
    Since im running short on space above I will present the maps here:


    Radius: 604

    Description: A amazing idea and a amazing seed. Fight over two ilands with a honey donut shaped lake inbetween connected all around. First map in the pack that is advised to play with a friend or more in your team. Stil possible to play 1v1. Will put you in a different situation than any other maps. One og the most difficult out there ;)

    Metal: 106

    Creator: AndreasG

    TropicanHoneyDonut 1.jpg TropicanHoneyDonut 2.jpg
    TropicanHoneyDonut 3.jpg


    Radius: 539

    Astroids: 2 spawning ~10 min and ~20 min

    Description: A hardcore 1v1 map. I can see this one favouring the player with a plan (like all maps lol). Fight heavy on the frontside, expand on the backside. Can be compared to berg in ways. We all love Pizza, but not overcooked. You are going to love this one anyways. It is a handsome map with close combat and sneaky expantions. Watch out for AsZeals air fabbers

    Metal: 86

    Creator: AndreasG

    Overcookedpizza 1.jpg Overcookedpizza 2.jpg Overcookedpizza 3.jpg


    Radius: 600

    Description: A big map that looks teriffic :) One of my favourite maps. Not adviced to go naval. The Ice Age is over and the ice is melting but you are stil in danger of getting cold feets. Make sure that dosnt happen. ColdFeets is a big and intence map where macro and awareness are going to be deciding factors. Works great with bigger teams shared aswell.

    Metal: 90

    Creator: AndreasG

    Coldfeets 1.jpg Coldfeets 2.jpg Coldfeets 3.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: February 16, 2016
    stuart98, Quitch, proeleert and 3 others like this.
  15. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Your mod's icon is broken.
  16. emarkus

    emarkus Active Member

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    your 1v1 maps needs to become laddermaps, too - I recently started to even play vs AI just to enjoy all the new maps recently released to the ladder pool :)

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