I don't know when I'll get to it, but somebody totally needs to see if the new fields used on asteroid spawning can be hacked onto other planet types. Infinite collisions? Perhaps ping-pong where you have to jump between colliding pairs. Metal-rich planets that appear and then collide as players flee back to their barren homeworld, awaiting the next cycle. Annihilasers and gas giants that show up late game instead of getting rushed.
{ "name": "O-01", "mass": 5000, "position_x": 0, "position_y": 55000, "velocity_x": 0, "velocity_y": 0, "required_thrust_to_move": 1, "starting_planet": false, "respawn": true, "start_destroyed": false, "min_spawn_delay": 300, "max_spawn_delay": 360, "planet": { "seed": 8239, "radius": 250, "heightRange": 100, "waterHeight": 0, "waterDepth": 50, "temperature": 50, "metalDensity": 1, "metalClusters": 1, "metalSpotLimit": 5, "biomeScale": 100.00000013739177, "biome": "asteroid", "symmetryType": "none", "symmetricalMetal": false, "symmetricalStarts": false, "numArmies": 2, "landingZonesPerArmy": 0, "landingZoneSize": 0 } An asteroid as seen in a .pas.
respawn, start_destroyed, min_spawn_delay and max_spawn_delay are the main pieces of code that we want. They look like they can just be inserted into any planet to have the new mechanics applieing. I'm running a test with a gas giant spawning in at 30 seconds right now, give me a minute.
And people questioned what asteroids Added?.... Random spawning planets ftw! Imo a nice map would be a large metal rich metal planet that spawns in mid game to create a 'king of the bill's type scenario...
Something else: I think if the non-halleyable planets in a system were set up with 0 respawn delay, you would effectively have "destroy everything, leave the planet". Although it might reappear in a different position, and orbiting relations might still break.