So today i started up PA and started a game and it worked. No black screen **** like the previous tries. Fps still not great though. Average is about 40 but it jumps like crazy so it feels like 10 or less. But why? Its still the same computer with the same drivers and stuff nothing changed. Yet yesterday this was impossible and today it works. Didnt see any PA patch coming either.
I'd have a wipe. I did the other day you always get a performance boost plus these days with steam directory you can be back on fully done in a couple of hours depending on the size and number of ssd's. I like to get over a year out of one install, longer if its an install you don't use much. But really your first port of call is to try the game on a different installation.
I reinstalled the OS a month ago. The OS is fine its just PA performance seems to be as random as minecraft performance.