Analyzing dmg

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by jimr, August 31, 2010.

  1. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    I go assassin - i grapple a gunner in the back with a class 1 or class 2 weapon. 9 times out of 10, it wont be enough to kill him.. i just assume he's got armour upgrade, whatever.. carry on.

    I go gunner.. I have armour upgrade (at least i cant be oneshot grappled by those pesky assassins, eh?). I get grappled in the back by an assassin with a class 1 or 2 weapon (i.e. she still has a dagger)... and i die.

    Now... is it me? What am i missing? Everytime i play to the strengths of the classes that i see getting used against me.. it doesn't work...
    seriously what am i missing? Is damage essentially random? Is that why nothing seems to be working for me like it is for people against me?

    Is anyone else experiencing this?

    Am i going mad?

    What the hell is going on?
  2. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    You can get shot midway through a grapple and it all adds up to a death.
    Whenever I see a friendly Assassin front grapple someone I always send a few bullets that way to help make the final stab a kill shot so I get an assist/even a kill if I'm quick enough.
  3. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I don't play as an Assassin, but I've noticed that even with a level 3 Armor Endorsement, an Assassin with a katana one shots me from behind every time, the dagger? Not so much.
  4. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Assassin could be hitting you with a lunge/grapple one-two punch combo.
  5. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    Yeah your right, a dagger not so much. The trouble is, I have had it done to me on only 5 or 6 games now.. and it's always the same person who can do it over and over again. My point is, if someone has upgraded somehow so they can assure themselves of a oneshot grapple every time on a gold armour endorsed gunner - with a dagger.. then why can't i?
    I dont mind so much that it can happen.. i just don't understand how.
  6. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    By jove i think he's got it. That might even work. Nice thinking :)

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