An Observation About the Sniper (And a Question to Tanks).

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by PohTayToez, December 20, 2010.

  1. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Probably been mentioned before, but I'm thinking that post DLC the sniper is a much better defensive tool in overtime than offensive. The sniper rifle damage to the moneyball was nerfed so hard that it hardly seems significant anymore, and given the sniper's excellent juice controlling abilities, it seems that on a coordinated team it now makes much more sense for the sniper to hang back in overtime to guard the moneyball. Thoughts?

    Also, my question to people that play tank regularly, specifically people that have played tank quite a bit both pre and post DLC, is whether or not you think this is the case with tank as well. The tank also has fantastic juice control power, and with their damage to the moneyball nerf as well it seems as if they might be better on defense as well in overtime.
  2. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Yeah, I do tend to play more defensively in Overtime as a Sniper post-DLC, but as a Tank, you can still play offense or defense effectively.
  3. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    The tank is worth bringing for offense if They have turrets or multiple Jackbots, provided you have juice. Other than that, a tank + sniper set up is a hell of a defense, especially with hacked turrets.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Only the Tank's Railgun seen the damage drop to the Moneyball. The Jet Gun, depending upon how close the moneyball is to it's nozzle, can do lots of damage to the Moneyball juiced or not. Being able to deploy right next to the Moneyball means you can keep melting it away and not worry about being Grappled or Charged away from attacking it. Although on defense the Tank is just as effective during Overtime. Charge 3 is a monster for Overtime Moneyball crowd controlling.

    As for Snipers I can't say much besides the use of Ice Traps to be great for cc around the Moneyball.
  5. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I don't think the sniper is all that useful in overtime, period. Tanks, incredibly.
  6. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    They SMG/Flak exists you know.

    But it's a lot less damage then the Sniper rifle used to do too the moneyball. I need to fix this in my guide but I'm too lazy.
  7. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    No offense, but I think you're wrong. I've taken to playing purely defense in OT, which is a mostly futile effort when playing with random people, however since overtime juice rushing is so predictable, I've been able to kill 3-4 juiced players one right after another as they charge the base on several occasions.
  8. The Broken Ace

    The Broken Ace New Member

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    I think we can all generally agree what Tanks are good on offense in Overtime, Snipers less so. So the real question is that should Tanks play more defense or offense? I, as a Tank for all my MNC life (save for the other sub-classes), never really used the juiced pre-patch Railgun. Why? Money. Everytime I made a Juiced Turret demolition and got the ball down, I kept hitting it with the Jet Gun cause you get more money that way, like as you would with Bullseye. Yeah, I'd hit it with a Rail Gun if we were in a pinch and the opposing team would have 3 people in out base Juice-rushing, but that's only if they in fact had 3 people in our base Juice-rushing. I absolutely hate when people rush within the first 3 seconds of the game, camp until turrets are down, and then brag at how good they are. They only get 1000+ cash for the win, we get a little, and then people have to hear them stroke their own egos. Everyone gets more money if you at least drag it out some and keep the game interesting.

    Though, I digress. Still, to agree with Hudson, non-Juiced Tanks have the Railgun and Jet Gun which both penetrate, and with Jackbots being backed up fighting each other, they start to stand in a row where you can get 'Killed Jackbot' x 3 for a whopping 225 + whatever they drop, and with Pros dying left and right, the Tank is better on crowd control in the enemy's base where the buggers are coming from. Sniper should have explosive rounds by the end of the match and with all the Jackies lining up, he can build Juice almost instantly, paired with his Traps and Flak and take care of home base. Snipers are'nt meant to move, so why should they push?
  9. Bryceybryce

    Bryceybryce New Member

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    Guys have you ever heard of a level three flak and a juiced sniper and a gold rate of fire endorsement smg? Literally I can stand in my own flak, run in circles, and spray the shiut out of the money ball then throwing a second flak while I die. By the time I'm dead I've knocked out at least 75% of the money ball if not more. After DLC for some reason I started using flak way more and I've done wonders with it, so although the sniper is a near indispensable defensive tool, a couple seconds of leaving home undefended in favor of taking down the majority of the money ball has netted me more wins than losses and probably around 200k cash in like 2 days of playing after not playing since around the summer, so although sniper can run crowd control and pick apart jackbots, in OT they can also be extremely potent on offense.
  10. Bryceybryce

    Bryceybryce New Member

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    Guys have you ever heard of a level three flak and a juiced sniper and a gold rate of fire endorsement smg? Literally I can stand in my own flak, run in circles, and spray the shiut out of the money ball then throwing a second flak while I die. By the time I'm dead I've knocked out at least 75% of the money ball if not more. After DLC for some reason I started using flak way more and I've done wonders with it, so although the sniper is a near indispensable defensive tool, a couple seconds of leaving home undefended in favor of taking down the majority of the money ball has netted me more wins than losses and probably around 200k cash in like 2 days of playing after not playing since around the summer, so although sniper can run crowd control and pick apart jackbots, in OT they can also be extremely potent on offense.
  11. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Flak and Juiced SMG do a number to the moneyball, but certainly nowhere near as effective as he used to be. I'd agree that he's be more useful defensively during OT. Level 3 traps + headshots make pretty much any incoming Juice ineffective. Might have to double or triple headshot a few pros, but it's possible in the time the pros stays frozen in the trap. Just stay away from their range, and you should be fine.

    Tanks have a bit more flexibility during OT. They can sure as hell play offensively, clearing out any defenders with a Juiced Deathblossom or two, and melting the moneyball with the Jet Gun + Product Grenades. However, they can also cover defense with Charge 3, Rail Gun Grapple, Product Grenade blinding, and even counter Juicing. Deciding which you do purely up to you, but they are excellent in either situation.
  12. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I still snipe the moneyball on Ammo Mule and Steel Peel just because I can be in an easily defensible position while doing so. Sure it's slower, but half their team has to come at me to deal with me. LaseRazor is even better; I can snipe from a good position and use Flak.
  13. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Since Im Hudson posted the video showing how effective the tank's charge + grapple is against juiced players, I've been using that when defending. As for whether to go offensive/defensive it depends on what your opponents and teammates are doing and whether you're juiced. A suicidal juice run at the very start of OT, then respawn and defend is often enough to win a match. It gives your team a significant lead on moneyball damage that's hard to come back from if you're defending well.
  14. slingshot279

    slingshot279 New Member

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    Sniper is a PERFECT defensive tool in overtime. For example, on Spunky Cola there is two juice machines, along with an assassin that could also juice. The sniper has 3 traps when maxed out, if you have 2 snipers you have the whole team. Think about that.

    For the tank, he is an offensive monster, seriously. If you play him right, he can bust off up to 5 juices in those 2 minutes. When you juice their base though make sure you hit the turrets first, then go for the money ball with the jet gun and it will disappear.

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