I cant really say too much because i cant make a competent model for the life of me, but there are somethings that the game needs that uber wont be doing (the higher tiers). Tier 3 and maybe even a standard t4 would be great as well as experimentals, they add a dynamic that no other game has. It seems like it is a really good thing to try to create. What i am suggesting is that instead of all the great mods that were made for FA the excellent mods that made Black ops, experimental wars/ extreme wars, total mayhem, the wyren battle pack, orbital wars, and the various units and unit packs should try to make one mod that can become standard among the community that way balance wont be off with multiple mods running the uber offices wont have to go through all the work to do this stuff and since the modders do it without pay i can only assume that they like to do it, i know i've been trying to learn for ages (though i don't have my good computer so i haven't been able to play or try to model in ages ) It seems like with a little organization we have allot to gain, and considering that Uber supports mods and the fact that this would help them maybe you could get a manager in the game or a early look to start modding the game before it even come out. Just an idea and of course its up ton the respective parties as to what they will or will not do. But at the very least its something that i'd like to put out there
I like some of your ideas and i would also like to see the people that made supreme commander/forged alliance mods and the people that are making mods for supreme commander 2, will be making mods for Planetary annihilation as probably a lot of modmakers that made mods for the TOTAL ANNIHILATION series including TA, Core contingency TA SPRING in all its forms will probably also contribute their two cents.... (In all this groups i think they will probably/ very much be interested in making mods for PA) I also read that some mod groups want to have a mod ready at day zero of the PA final release so i think that should satisfy you......... Cheerio.................. Edit:: if this message is'nt coherent tahts because i also aint....
A release day mod would be sweet, is there a site or anything like that for the mod? Thanks for your response!
The problem with standards is that everyone has their own opinions of what is balanced or not. In the end, we will end up with multiple 'standards' that reflect the ideas of some, and only some.
i don't know if their is a page for it ( it still has to be made i think) and i also don't know who left the post i know it was somewhere in this forum but thats weeks ago (i think ) my memory can't help me with that but you could do a search with <zero day> or <zeroday mod> and you might e few results... edit: to my knowledge the same person who offered this idea also worked on a supcom mod Cheers and have a brewski