The general consensus seems to be that there is too much JUICE in the game currently. I slightly share this idea. Then I got to thinking about JUICE. It's incredibly easy to bring JUICE into the game though buying it, meleeing bots, JUICE boxes, and damage in general. However there is only one way to take JUICE out of the game before being used. Killing a player. So I got to thinking about this idea, it's relatively unfinished, what if skill drain/train(?) effects also drained JUICE at a decent rate. This would make Snipers have a reason to use there traps offensively instead of defensively and make Scramblers a threat to classes other than Support. and a bigger threat to Assassins who are the biggest gainers of JUICE. Keep in mind people who have only played the Xbox version the ice traps only freeze for about 1.5 seconds now. EDIT: I want to state my opinion about JUICE here. I think JUICE is fine. What I find concerning is with the recent addition of more bots is the potential to speed up JUICE gains for early game when CC isn't readily available yet. The main reason I find this bad as it turns the game into a slower more turtle based metagame instead of a fast paced pushing heavy metagame.
Juice isn't so much of an issue anymore. People have learned to adapt to it quite a bit. It wasn't until late into the xbox version that people figured out that a 3.3 shave ice obliterates a juice rush for most classes. Then people figured out how to grapple and stun juicers 90% of the time to prevent them from being too destructive. It may be a bit too accessible for some classes but it is definitely counterable. If i had the chance would I make it harder for Juiced assassins to kill turrets, yes I would but i can live with it.
I also dislike that juice is such a huge part of the game. Unfortunately it NEEDS to be, because that's about the only way to break through defenses that have level 2.2 / 3 / 3.3 rockit and firebase turrets. The first step to reducing the need for juice is to reduce defensive capabilities. Ever play a server without juice buying? It hits overtime almost every time
Or just leave it like it is and enjoy tense CC moments. CC is readily available for any class right at spawn, albeit not very efficiently.
The only CC that actually available early game that disables the opposition as in not holding them there for a second is the Snipers level 2 grapple, the Gunners Slam(And as of now Grapple 2), and the Tanks railgun grapple. All of these are countered by jumping or utilizing the Assassins incredibly high mobility, the Assaults jetpack, the Gunner and Tanks deploy, and their jetpacks as well. Freeze traps to a lesser degree also exist as a good disable, but they are easily seen and dodged. Unless the game shifts to a massive turtle fest generally only a support or overly defensive players will be in the base with the exception of players respawning. Because early game you need to push for the lead. Turtling after the enemy team has an advantage is understandable, but until then I just don't see anyone being in the base with what little CC they have stopping a early game JUICE push. But don't get me wrong. I love JUICE. I hate servers that turn JUICE buying off. JUICE exists, in my mind, to keep the team that's winning winning and the ability to buy it is for the losing team to counter push or the winning team to secure the win.