I just realized I've never really lagged in MNC. I'm playing from EU, and I feel just fine even on US servers, despite playing on a mobile internet. The lobby screen diplays servers with like 800 ping, but when I get in, it's all fine, aside from the occasional connection problems caused by my own shitty internet. Is it just my personal experience, or are others feeling it aswel?
It feels very much like clientside hit registration with server side confirmation. (Essentially, I believe that hit-registration is handled purly on the client, so if it hits on your screen, you send a message to the server saying that you hit X player with Y weapon, and the server just accepts this data then broadcasts it to other players.). Whiles it could be pointed out that this system is more prone to cheaters (Just rig the client to send nothing but hits, so you can stay in spawn and hit everyone on the map), I think it's the perfect solution to the terrible hit registration that most engines suffer from due to the server having to double check every shot with it's own simulation of the game. So you can hit pretty much anyone at any ping, which is pretty awsome. If this is the case, Then I applaud Uber entertainment for taking the solution that, whiles a little more prone to abuse, enhances the player experience. As opposed to a system tha assumes that anyone could be cheating, and brings down the experience for legitimate players.
i disagree, i can't remember how many times my railgun shot went through someone, without damaging them, i always seem to have to aim in front of where they'll go, even though its a hitscan weapon though i will agree on the part where as long as i have 150- ping, i don't warp/teleport, which is quite a feat for any game
Thats mighty peculier, I've always just aimed on-target and it worked out great. IN fact a lot of the times I miss I notice it's actually because You have to hit the actual model, So say, a shot can slip between thier legs or arms. Rather than having what is usually a huge bounding hit-box.
I don't know, i have various problems with hit detection, but mainly from the end of an assassin. Often times i grapple someone who on my client is facing away from me but when i get the hit, it shows me getting a front grapple, and vice versa, i'll hit someones front, and it gives me a back grapple. Many times i'll have to grapple someone once or twice for it to actually hit, despite the fact hes standing still and our positions don't change. And often times when swinging the Katana, especially against bots, it seems like only every other attack is hitting. And when recovering from a grapple, its almost like a coin toss to see who gets to act first. I think the majority of these problems are with latency, IE the client updates a players position to the server, then receives my grapple command, then updates my client. Melee combat over the net is a rather troublesome beast, its why games like street fighter, Soul Caliber and the like and never really played all that much on line. But despite this I still rather enjoy it in MNC.
The game handles lag really well for ranged weapons Melee interactions such as grapples are inherently much more susceptible to lag. Especially back/front grapples, since that depends on where the players are relative to each other, and each player can have a very different snapshot of how the two are arranged at any given instant. Sometimes what the assassin thinks should be a back grapple will turn into a face grapple, and sometimes what the victim thinks is a face grapple will turn into a back grapple. In both cases, one player sees the correct behavior while the other sees incorrect behavior, because they each have different local game states at that instant. There just isn't much that can be done about that as long as latency exists.
The game might feel good on 800 ping but then you get deaths where you ran into cover but still died 2 seconds later, due to the delay of course. It's still a lot nicer to play on a sub 100 ping server just to avoid that kind of "shooting through walls" feeling.
I think you're just used to GA's crappy netcode. Though I have noticed MNC does a pretty awesome job, but that's probably due to being able to choose servers with sub-100 ping. ^^
Hit registration is very good. Feels consistent even with 100+ ping. If your railgun misses at long range, it's because it does have some spread.