I was in steel peel and the host wasn't playing so we were a man short. So the battle wasn't going very well and none of my team mates seemed interested in building turrets. They kept getting destroyed so I thought I would save and go straight to 3.3 rocket. Did it on one side then was saving again to do the other. Well as my second one was upgrading to lvl 2 and the tank that had been in our base this whole time RG'ing things stands next to me and so I was thinking he was wanting a overheal. I was going to give it too him as soon as I lvled the turret but the guy lvled it before me then taunted me! I saw it as very rude and left him to fend for himself. It was a losing battle anyway since the host was boosting. But does anyone else find it rude if someone does this to you? I can see him lvling it if I had walked away but come on! I was right there with my face in it.
Doesn't it take money from you? Whoever upgrades the turret last gets the dolla, I think. And defensive supports basically rely on their firebases and base turrets to get money, and the tank was basically taking that money away. At least I think that's how it works.
Yeah, I had the money to upgrade to lvl 3 and i was saving the whole match to get it. Since he upgraded it last, he would get the money from its bot/pro kills.
Well, if he had just upgraded it and continue fighting I would've been alright with it but the fact that he taunted me after he bought it is what bothers me. We were on the same team, why did he feel like he had to do that?
Women. So emotional. Actually yeah, I agree that it was an A-hole thing to do. The only explanation is that some people are just dinks. They like to use any means possible to grief someone else, especially on XBL. I would just laugh it off (it's actually kinda funny).
As I think about it more, it does get kinda funny with how ridiculous it was :lol: Still a jerk thing to do though :x Women have a right to be emotional, like crying over Bambi, or puppy commercials...
It wasn't a matter of hacking (which doesn't give you money anyways) I was buying the turret to lvl 2 and waiting to buy it to lvl three. I was standing there waiting for it with the money ready when he upgraded it to lvl 3 before I could. It was a matter of button pushing and lag I guess
I think I'm the one who did that to you. I love waiting for Support to build a level 2 RockIt and I'll just take the last part and taunt e'm.
I don't think it was you but it could've been. I sometimes don't recognize the forum goers. But if you do this, supports need those things to make money sometimes >.< I personally like to steal the last upgrade to longshots But no one is usually around when I upgrade them... So no taunts for me...
I kinda feel bad for them but it's all about greediness on public games lol. Non level 3 Longshots are big bonus I love stealing them especially when a Support is hacking a level 2 Longshot then I'll just steal it.