Am I a bad person

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by xsupercarlx, August 18, 2011.

  1. xsupercarlx

    xsupercarlx New Member

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    Ok, i may get hate for this but here goes...

    I play support only, there is only one reason why i use support....

    I don't use support to heal people, to build turrets, heal bots etc, i play support to use the shotgun, everything else is secondary.

    I understand that some people think if you use support you are under a hippocratic oath to heal but that's not the case, it was amusing listening to some chap moaning down the mic because i had my shotty out rather than being on his rear end with my heal gun out at all times. if you want that then get your mom to learn support. :lol:

    This is how it is with me, i dont heal everyone!!!1 i only heal people i think deserve a heal :eek:

    Example of who i dont heal.. i kill a bot with my turrets and some guy comes from nowhere and takes ALL the money and all the juice even though its just me whose buying turrets for everyone.. he can die.

    I also dont heal cowards, you know the heavy gunners and tanks that only leave the base when overcharged? Thats something i noticed, i rarely over heal people 100% (unless i see they mean business or i need the juice) because when i do it somehow turns them into cowards and they refuse to fight and start running away when they lose their overcharge.

    The type of people i do heal.. People who are fair with the drops, people who help out with turrets (its SO helpful), there have been times when people have helped me out by making a turret and in return i have stuck by them and kept them healed till they get themselves killed :twisted: also people who help me in tight situations.

    I would like to think im pretty fair but as a VERY offensive support player who loves to slay tanks and gunners i do my part.

    Also guys (who do it) pleaaaase dont build those cheap laser turrets next to the money ball!!! you just wasted the slot and half the time they only do it to level 1 or maybe 2 if you're lucky :lol:

    I aint the best but i get a decent amount of kills and a small amount of deaths (if any) and i have a whole lot of fun with the support playing the way i play.

    Oh yeah, supports who of all places on the map decide to dump their level 1 turrets on top of yours?? really?

    Peace and macaroni, I'm going to make it rain now.
  2. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    playing a game for fun :eek:
  3. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    So you play the only class that can heal turrents, people and even overheal them, but prefer to use the shotgun? Why don't you change to maliwan and light some people on fire!* (bonus points for getting what I mean) :mrgreen:

    *Roll Tank or Gunner if you really like killing people.
  4. xsupercarlx

    xsupercarlx New Member

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    If tanks or gunners get a shotgun ill use them, i just love shotguns, in any game, the only reason why i use support.

    As you could imagine, on TF2 i only used pyro.
  5. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I clicked on the tread title hoping to find some REAL MOTHAFUCKIN BAD ****. Maybe some drug trafficking, accomplice to murder, kidnapping, pulled your penis out in public, grand larceny, insurance fraud, disturbing the peace, unpaid parking tickets, late for work, shoe's untied, double jointed...

    Whatthefuck's this garbage? :|

    Next time make a REAL TOPIC, LAME-O!
  6. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    marcus kincoids weapon vendor


    guess who has 2 thumbs, 500 hurt gun kills and over 8000 shotgun kills!

  7. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    Oh, I thought it was Bob Kelso.
  8. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    This. /thread
  9. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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  10. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Eh. When you're in your own base a mile away from the other team, there's no reason to have the shotgun out. Even if that's all you play for, it's not like the shotty is doing you a whole lot of good in an area with no enemies.

    I understand the whole not healing d-bags thing. I'm rather obsessive with the healing, and my team usually notices it. But if you steal my turret.... this is the one and only reason I will purposely not heal someone. If you come to me black barred after stealing my turret and expect a heal, I will jetski taunt in your face.
  11. lilslayertorres

    lilslayertorres Member

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    I would seriously like to play against you.
  12. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    Remind me to never come running you to get an overheal.

    Because shunning your teammates and shotgunning people is how you're supposed to play a SUPPORT, amirite?
  13. lilslayertorres

    lilslayertorres Member

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    lol. Of course you're right. Last time I checked that's what the word SUPPORT means.
  14. xsupercarlx

    xsupercarlx New Member

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    Lol awesome post, im gona try that.

    you possibly have already.

    Dont come running at me for an overheal unless i deem you worthy or i want to juice (selfish reasons :evil: ) :lol:

    i dont pick support, i pick shotgun... which happens to be attached to a support character :D
  15. Based

    Based New Member

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    LOL. I hate when pros do that. I have a level 2.3 rocket turret up and a sniper hops by and upgrade it. :roll: :x
  16. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    What's wrong with you guys? I get super freakin happy when someone else gets it to level 3. My thought process: "Hey, they actually spent a bunch of money towards this, now I can make another rocket over here."

    If you're that focused on getting kills/money from the level 3 rocket rather than have one for your team's defense in general, just save up 'till you can upgrade it twice.
  17. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    thanks for the sig brah
  18. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    I do the same thing... if I have a useless teammate who sits in the spawn and only kills bots and takes all of the pickups, he can stand there and burn
  19. Nova Warlord

    Nova Warlord New Member

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  20. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Naw dude, ur doing it right.

    If ur team mates are bitching for an overheal, its a sure way not to get one.

    Most of the people who don't play support, dont understand that you do more for your team by playing your game. I overheal my team mates, but if they suck, they're on their own. If we get in a fight, I switch to the shotty and cover my team mate, then back to the overheal, if they survived.

    Forum goers are gonna bash on you and say ur a **** cuz u like to fight and not help them boost their stats. Fu ck em. There's a whole lot of crybabies here.

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