I thought it was fixed a while ago(i didn't see it on the known issues sticky) but I was playing last night and my old nemesis the turret ignoring blackjack showed up. Is there some legit way for this to happen? Nothing worse than having a downed moneyball with all your turrets up because the blackjack parade failed to obey the rules.
Looks like those turrets were no big deal. But seriously, blackjacks ignoring turrets at all is a bit of a long shot.
Sometimes if one of them or a group of them is distracted by a player, they'll keep walking along to the moneyball while shooting the player it was distracted by. This happens when they're somewhat close to the turrets, for me. And damn did it happen a lot the few hours I played yesterday. I also hate the fact that I can't shoot, damage or kill a bot that is grappling the moneyball.