Alright, I'll bite... Zach Prodigy?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by F5in, January 12, 2011.

  1. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Who the hell is this guy? I was just playing and I was about to get off when he sent me a message.

    (if you don't understand I was like "What?" and I kept telling him I have no clue who is is nor have I ever seen him before (or at least he never made an impact on the game so I never noticed him before). For reference I think I went like 19-0 the "last game" he was talking about and I haven't done bad in like 2 weeks)

    So... yeah, that's pretty much it. Who the hell is this clown? Not trying to start any flaming or anything, just want to know who on earth would send these random *** messages. Oh yeah, and I couldn't check if I had just played with him because I got the glitch where recent players don't appear.
    Not sure if he's trying to troll me, has me mixed up with someone else, is lying and hiding behind an alt account and just felt like raging at me, or if he's just not very bright. Not sure if he understands how to play MNC or understands what it means to "beat" someone, either. For example, ff you poop on my team of randies in a public match and win, but I get an uber streak, that's not exactly beating me.

    EDIT: No spoiler tags??? Sorry about the image size.
  2. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    My friend what you have found here is commonly known around these parts as a hater.
  3. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Never heard of him.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I have logged countless hours into MNC and have never came across him before. Not to mention I have played at any and all hours of the day.
  5. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Same here, that's why I was so confused. He kept insisting that he played with me (and beat me every time), though.
  6. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    literally as im typing this post im in a game with him and 4 other people and his party. first game we play i destroyed him and his whole party. right after the game i get "TURN THE AIMBOT OFF. NOW." from him...

    i was playing assassin lol.

    next game i was reading messages and i ended up getting put on their team and i spawned as a tank and they all spawned as gunners and trapped the spawn doors LOL.

    at the moment, he says he has the password to my account and hes going to hack me :oops:

    here is the gamertags to everyone in the party:
    DemonDiz, Reanimated Ace, MercenaryX305X, & DEADI14

    btw...i witnessed these guys doing the cheapest thing i've seen since playing this game..launching mortars from their spawn doors on grenade 3 and hitting the money ball consistently. never seen it before but it's extremely cheap
  7. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Lmao, we just played those guys. My only 2 deaths were from Mercenary when he got the drop on me with revved up minis. I still don't remember Zach Prodigy or DEADI14. I guess they're just THAT bad. xD
    We pretty much had their spawn on lockdown on Steel Peel then won with ease. It was just me, Seph, and Crimson (who doesn't even have a mic)
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I've played with Reanimated Ace before.

    And that thing you say about the Mortars, Scathis did that to us on Spunky the day it came out but that's a small map.
  9. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    His gamerpic reminds me of this dude Diencecht. Talked **** to me after I beat him and his friends. Then he sent me a f/r. But I'm almost sure they have the same gamerpic.

    That GT isn't active anymore, I wonder if he changed the name on the account?

    edit: So I did some searching in the "Best Hatemail you've ever received thread" and found this pic from Jen

    I've got the memory of an elephant to remember a guy's gamerpic. :lol:
  10. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    So I guess it was just hate mail after all. :(
    I was hoping for something more exciting.
  11. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    Him and his friends he play with are awful, but they talk a good amount of trash. I actually did join his party once after he invited me and proceeded to say something along "so, you're all on my **** huh tiger?" and carried on for about 30 seconds. :lol: Then went onto trash talk in the lobby to a group of randoms after our party of 5 pubstomped a match. I left after that game and haven't seen him since.
  12. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Translation for all haters:I threw my controller out of the window and now I'm crying like an baby and you owe me 50 bucks.
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    he is my favorite. he trash talks all the time. his party LOSING against me & randoms, and trashtalking that he got a better k/d than the lv16 on my team.

    i also remember coming into his game late. late enough for him to have deploy/passive 3 on a gunner.

    i proceeded to out-gun the hell out of him with my single gun/deploy 2. it was about a 6-1 for me, untill i got double guns. game over for this guy.

    and about the time i got deploy 3 is the same time he just stayed by his ball and mortared bots.
  14. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    I played with him once, I think it was on lazerazor. But how come I didn't get any hate mails? :cry: . Ah well, I'll just have to try again. He actually wasn't that bad, though.
  15. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I think I played him once.... I steamrolled him with assault, and then I get a message saying that he knows that I am using hacks. He then proceeds to tell me off in the lobby and he won't shut up. The next game I just picked him off repeatedly, and eventually he left. I thought it was rather funny. I also think we had mortars shot into our base that game as well, they were hitting our spawn. I have no idea how they do that.
  16. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i think its funny that he claims everyone has an aimbot, and he says that he knows because he has a software mod o his xbox that tells him so.
  17. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    I havnt seen reanimated ace on in a long time....
    Ive played vs those guys before.. maybe they are some former gamebattle tryhards or something..

    I rarely get hate mail.. I usually make alot of people angry though and hear it afterwords.

    Also F5in crimson has a mic... he just doesn't like using it. Trust me..
    Tell him to put it on and at least keep the voice off so he can hear you to warn him.
  18. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I've only gotten hatemail once from a support who wanted me to "quit being a *****" and to "fight him man to man." Those words hold no meaning to assassins I think.

    But I'd love to get hate mail from him. I want to just type "U MAD?" and gauge where to go from there.
  19. RoboNinjaGuy

    RoboNinjaGuy New Member

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    I played with this guy(his newest GT) and he sent me the message, "WTF kid! Stop using hacks to get Juice."

    Not sure what his problem is but he seems to be against everyone for no reason.

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