Hi all, waspretty excited to get into the Alpha but when It went to launch it crashed. Im running Vista 64 bit on an AMD Phenom quad core, 8gb ocz ram and ATI 4800 gpu. Machine should be beefy enough to support it so im guessing its something to do with the OS as iv had problems with games and this OS before. heres a photo: http://screencast.com/t/SOJq7YTVH
It's depends on hardware you have. Unfortunately old ATI hardware from 2008 doesn't have decent drivers for 64-bit. And there is lot of people who doesn't play lot of games and usually use drivers from 3-years old install-CD, so there is always point to update drivers.
Don't know if you've had the same issue I had but I use a laptop and it has two graphics card one nvidia the other is crap....and with the crap card being the choice one for the launcher it always crashed on me. I have to manually right click and select to use my nvidia card to get it to work for me. Hope it helps