From my experience in game I had no units but construction was working on my economy and got rushed by a small army of bots I managed to hold off with two basic level tanks and reinforced until I had enough to push back and over ran my opponent. I then went back to base building and constructed tons of tier two factories so that when my army did die I could replace with newer and better units and had the economy going. My opponent didn't do that and didn't stand a chance against my two tier two artillery units. I pushed and got his commander. Then because i'd spend the time on economy I built up radar noticed a new enemy on my undefended side and began to panic but built up my defence and repositioned my tier two army and managed a sneak attack cos I knew he was there and destroyed his army in pieces because they were all moving up so I could mass up and then went out on the offensive and caught his commander with my bombers. So far I'm loving the game because I can try out these units and see how they work out. So far my only disappointment is in the bots. They are great scouts but nothing else which I think is a shame because I'd love to put them on the catapault and launch em but they're just chaff so far. What have you guys to win so far? I'd like to share tactics or what has been your great joys of playing alpha