Almost every match ends in Overtime

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by buggritall, January 30, 2011.

  1. Iconik_

    Iconik_ New Member

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    They should just cut out the 15 minute matches and just make all games a 2 minute OT. Since that's basically what the game is. 2 min OT juiced up pros that finally decide they want to complete the objective.


    I have run into 30 minute games online if I'm not mistaken. Those are actually fun.
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    You can stop responding to Deeja's posts now, he is not coming back...
  3. zerj

    zerj New Member

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    This may be true, but I've yet to see the Jackbots do anything in Overtime. Perhaps in Steel Peel arena they have time to reach the ball, but usually overtime is over before the Jackbot assault makes much of a difference. Even if they did have time to get their usually overtime is about Juiced players hammering at the ball while attempting to avoid the defenses. I'd rather see those jackbots released in the final 5 minutes of regulation and give them a chance to get that ball shield down. Automatically dropping the moneyball's shield seems like a solution of last resort and completely changes the game.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Jackbot XL's in OT means free juice for everyone. The only cooldown is you jumping, dodging and meleeing them! Be wary to avoid multiple Jackbot slams. You'll have full juice in no time while having no need to see a juice dispenser during OT.
  5. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    They should disable juice dispencers in OT.. that would make things more interesting, than the current, Assassin sits on dispencer in cloak 10 seconds before OT, than rushes Money ball for the lead.
  6. Iconik_

    Iconik_ New Member

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    ^I agree

    OT wins feel very hollow.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Tank with Level 3 charge can stop almost a whole team from buying Juice unless it's on LaseRazor Arena or Spunky. Due to the juice machines not being across from each other. (without a wall in the way)

    If you know an Assassin is going to be waiting by the Juice machines 10 seconds before OT go over there and prevent her. "But she's cloaked" Her cloak makes a sound. You don't even have to hit her, just scare her. Every Pro has at least one AoE skill. Use it to weed her out.

    Plus only noobs wait by the Juice machines right before OT. Us vets try to get at least a half bar of Juice because once OT hit that half bar becomes a full bar of usable juice.
  8. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    yeah well again

    PUG vs PRO differences are astounding..

    and i'm usually a lil busy to camp the dispencer for SINS.. I usually just BUY the juice 10 seconds before OT, to deny them having access.. than head towards the base, and pop juice seconds before OT, knowing i'll get half a bar at the end, to recover with..
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You seem to be the one who is "internet hurt."
  10. buggritall

    buggritall New Member

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    Uber should make a server option that only starts overtime if both moneyballs are at equal health. If one of the moneyballs has been damaged and the other one hasn't, then overtime shouldn't trigger, the team with the better moneyball should win. That's how overtime works in real sports, after all: both teams have equal points.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Well you see in MNC you gain 1 point for destroying the enemies Moneyball. So after 15 minutes no team has made a single point, time for OT.

    The objective is not to damage the Moneyball but to fully destroy it. If damaging it was the case then my team would put some damage in then turtle up as a team for the rest of the match for the win. Doesn't sound like too much fun does it?
  12. MarkyX

    MarkyX New Member

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    Almost every match ends in OT because the vast majority of players in MNC are just plain terrible. So many times I've seen matches with people with 1-15 KD with low cash.

    The last match I've played, I must've bought like 3 juices to clear the turrets. We still went into OT because my team was too retarded to follow up.
  13. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    I almost think I should buy juices to keep other players from doing just that, marky. Jeez, I farm out juices by meleeing bots or just firing at turrets at that last little stretch. Than again, most of my money goes to upgrading the hell out of my base.
  14. Daichiko

    Daichiko New Member

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    The only thing I hate about overtime is you can be pushing right up to their base and winning for the entire game only to lose because the other team has 2 more assassins and juice rushes your ball with you unable to do anything.

    I was just in a game on spunky and we pushed forward the entire game while the other team did nothing but turtle. In the end we lost in over time thanks to an assassin juice rush. Top 3 scorers on our team were in the $7k range with the other teams not even breaking $3k. Such an annoyance.
  15. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    overtime is mostly offence, but you need at least a wee bit of defence.

    my question, how cant you kill assassins? juiced or not? especially in overtime? it takes like 2 focused shotgun blasts, 1 if your also juiced, an airstrike on the ball makes them back off or die, and most assassins forget to shuriken or do it stationary. sniper and gunner usually are better off camping your ball in overtime, while the team's assassins assaults and tanks hit the enemy ball. support can do either pretty well, usually suggested to attack tho.

    attack as much as you can, but playing overtime is about as much damage done as you can do, having more moneyball health than they do helps initially, but learn that perfect blend of defence and offence. youll win everytime.
  16. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Support isn't a very good example for killing juiced assassins Bro. They kill you with 2 slashes way before you can get the first shotty blast in most of the time. you can't really follow them with 2 shots because they just run so much faster. A tank/ gunner would have been a better example.
  17. Uncle_Coord

    Uncle_Coord New Member

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    Snipers damage against money ball is obscene, take the uzi and flak 3 + juice in overtime and you will outdamage any assassin with ease...
  18. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Pretty sure its the same with the Assaults grenades.
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    why i do not recommend him defend in overtime. he is also one of the best at ccing.

    he crowd controls juicers like a bitch. ringouts everywhere. and you cant wreck a base with juice if your 3000 feet below the arena.
  20. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    That's why you get two assaults ;)

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