I love the internet. Even if you call it Alpha Annihilalpha: Alpha Strike, people would still judge it by released-game standards. Yes, in this stage you have to give feedback on what works and what doesn't, but in a manner that helps the developers fix the problem and isn't you expecting the problem will always be there and is ignored.
I expected to get an discount or a little bonus for the price the game will cost at release. They charge twice the money for an unfinished game.
But you don't in this case. They charge (more) than twice because access to the Alpha(especially this early) is not a right, it's a privilege, the game isn't finished, it's not even playable as a game yet and frankly, Alpha is far from the ONLY reward you receive at that level. The idea is that you aren't playing PA, you're Testing it(They are very different) and that the cost helps act as a gate to more or less limit participants, Uber's servers couldn't handle 100,000 people logging ona nd playing and there would be so much noise in the feedback it'd be a huge task to find the useful feedback that Uber, being a small indie developer, isn't staffed to handle on top of actively making the game as the alpha progresses. Mike
Posting in sucessfull troll thread. :mrgreen: But seriously @trvs, you should be ashamed. It's not funny and you even made knight make an argument against your... "opinion" I guess? while his time would be used more productively elsewhere. Like hunting bugs.
Does the language filter always default things to four stars? I find that hilarious. We must be **** him, but I don't wanna :cry:
Then why did you buy it? Why not buy Beta or release for much cheaper and wait? Do you feel you somehow got tricked.... lol
See I knew this would happen, what has happened is the perception people paid for alpha ... You paid a figure to help support uber as they decided to not go via a publisher to back them.... Alpha access was one of the perks. You did not pay for alpha access that concept is broken since uber should be paying us to find fault in their game.
No, they don't want you to find bugs. They don't need more people finding bugs at this stage. You're paying a premium because you want to get something early, not because you're a tester.
Alpha is a computer science term for "Not finished" The reason for paying for the Alpha is to get early access to the game well before it is released. It's like coming into a half built skyscraper and complaining there aren't any windows. The main reason for doing this is because your a fan of the game. There is the whole testing thing and reporting bugs but strictly speaking that's optional if you want to help Uber out. At this early stage it is possible to influence the final outcome of the game by providing feedback. Also, by playing on the Alpha builds you can get a competitive advantage for when the final game comes out.
Hm... the original post got edited so I don't remember it exactly but the number 90 just reminded me of something. May it be that the esteemed op wanted to rant about the cost of the game being 90 bucks, ie. slang for 90$ instead of complaining about 90 bugs? The mysteries ever deepen in the search through bad grammar and even worse punctuation!
Alpha is alpha, there have been some hilarious bugs. If you want to try out the game feel free. It is AWESOME, but they released the alpha last friday....if you expect a fully functional game at this point it's more like a demo. The features such as multiple planets aren't there yet. Is the map big enough for a 4 player death match yes, is it fun? yes Are there bugs? yes. Do you want a game without bugs with everything promised? Hopefully it'll be out in december I'm not from Uber so I can't tell you what the finished product will be like..... Lets be better people then the stereotype of nerd rage