All-Star Shop + Unlockables! -Idea Thread-

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Agent, March 21, 2011.


Would you like to see something like this in MNC?

  1. Yes

    30 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  3. A variation (specify)

    2 vote(s)
  1. Agent

    Agent New Member

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    The following is a bunch of ideas from myself and some friends that I've talked to over the past week in hopes of adding more content to MNC. Please feel free to add to or modify ANY of the ideas presented here, as they are just random thoughts in hopes of improving the game.

    The All-Star Shop contains special unlockables only available to players who have All-Starred, or "prestiged" at least once. These unlockables could range from a weapon skin to a universal armor piece to a special kill or death effect. Right now, there isn't much to distinguish you from the masses of other players aside from a few armors, and I think that everyone wants to be a little more unique. There's also the problem of many high-ranked players having upwards of $1m on hand cash lying around waiting to be spent. The items would be very expensive and give players something to work towards.

    These are items of prestige, they let your opponents and allies know that you're a veteran and that you mean business. This also adds incentive to be high ranked on the leader boards and adds a much more competitive feel to pubs as-well as the game.

    Perhaps an exclusive character model for anyone who's actively placed in the top 100 of the leaderboards. The model could adjusted to each class, keeping the original Red/Blue colors to prevent confusion between teams.

    *Feel free to add to or modify ANY of the ideas presented here, as they are just random thoughts in hopes of improving the game. If you have any comments or criticism, share it!
    Last edited: March 30, 2011
  2. Rogueblades

    Rogueblades Active Member

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    My name is Rogue Blades and I approve this message!
  3. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Deadpool approves of this.
  4. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Good idea, even if I haven't all-starred yet.
  5. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I happen to have over a million stockpiled, I like. Ideas:

    - more custom classes
    - weapons with bronze, silver, gold decorations on them
    - armor with sponsor colors/symbols
    - shoulderpads featuring your All Star bot

    I think a system like that would keep people playing longer as well. There would be something to look forward to, more than just an achievement on your Steam page.
  6. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Absolutely. I am earning money alarmingly faster than I am spending it, and I have no intention on buying the Zillionaire protags.
  7. Organous

    Organous Member

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    My only issue is whether this would tax the system's capabilities that are already stretched thin. Otherwise, this is actually something I think should be available for real money.
  8. Agent

    Agent New Member

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    Maybe 200mb of an update (equal to a map) and a tiny particle effect won't make any noticeable difference, or cause any FPS drops.
  9. Billy

    Billy New Member

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    Using the loads of cash would be nice, but I have a better idea towards items:

    Remember those cool titles you got for completing something hard like the 6 multi-kill title "All Time Great" or getting 25 kills in one life for the "Uber Streak" title, or those 2500 Assassins that you gleefully shot, burned, bludgeoned, stabbed, :shock: manhandled, sumo'd, perforated, gored, bored, slammed, broke, squashed, rung out, and humiliated :cool: for your "Assassin's Bane"? What if, in addition to a neat and swell title(they are neat and swell), you got a small, character-visible aesthetic improvement that had something to do with the way you gained that title.

    :idea: Say for your 2500 Assault Rifle kills, your Assault Rifle would be gold and shiny, your 2500 Bomb kills would make the bomb look like a cartoony bunch of TNT with a small timer and would "tick" instead of beep, the 2500 deploys for Gunner or Tank make the deploy equipment look like it has caution tape or something entertaining the fact that its "really dangerous to be around me right now as I am a lethal killing machine".

    :idea: Something that would change a color, or a style of small parts of the character for which those achievements had been unlocked, yet would not stop the visual categorization of who is playing what characters, and not very large or bulky changes like adding bulky, large, and eye-soring character effects... like ridiculously sized hats. Developer(you don't put "the" before God) has already expressed the capability with the other character styles; Valentine's, TF2 crossover, beta participation, so why not allow individual item changes?

    It would be nice to show off the stuff you have for that class, aiding in visual in-game representation as you gain in statistical value.

    These items could probably be paid for by in-game credits... :idea:

    TLDR; Career and
    Highlights achievements award in-game character items in addition to titles.
    Last edited: March 21, 2011
  10. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    I would love for when the gunner deploys for him to look like a volcano.
  11. Billy

    Billy New Member

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    It would be nice to know why choose "No" on the poll.

    I don't want to discourage being honest, it would just be nice to have some feedback.
  12. wtfyourdead

    wtfyourdead New Member

    Likes Received:
    This sounds like a brilliant idea. Gives me something else to spend either in game money or my MS points on :mrgreen:
  13. tpsky

    tpsky New Member

    Likes Received:
    Absolutely. I am earning money alarmingly faster than I am spending it, and I have no intention on buying the Zillionaire protags. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I think Organous already said why he voted no.

    Anyway, I agree with him, but if the Uber devs could work torwards this system, they should know that we would all love this in the future. Even if it takes a sequel, adding a shop like this would improve the game vassly. Instead of playing the same thing over again every day, at least you have something to work for to show off your iEgo.
  15. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    It's not a bad idea but I don't think this should be near top priority.
  16. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Some of these ideas scare me. It will undoubtedly create much more boosters and whatnot. I'm fine with buying armor and stuff but please, none of the leaderboard stuff.
  17. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    shouldn't this go into the wishlist section?
  18. Agent

    Agent New Member

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    There will always be negative, rule-breaking, and abusive players out there. Uber can't stop this behavior, only discourage it. As it stands, I've never in my 200+ hours seen someone "boosting" or trying to gain a title unfairly. Boosting could only be done in a $15/mo password protected server, and then you have respawn waiting times and the other person suffering a large KD ratio loss.

    Since there's no section except maybe this one that affects the entire game and not just Xbox/PC. This also has the bonus that it is viewed on Uber's main page for more views and awareness.

    The point of this addition would be to give veteran players something to do with their piles of cash and earned achievements while giving new players something to earn.
  19. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

    Likes Received:
    Makes me wonder if we should have a 'General Wishlist' forum

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