We'll probably start at 0. From my understanding, All Star mode is optional, so we will have the option to switch over when it comes out. Once that happens, we start at 0 because the switch occurred after you got all of your previous earnings.
You will automatically be updated to the proper level and spot in All-Star mode. You won't start back at 0. All-Star mode is not optional, we don't take anything away from you when you start back at 0, so there's no reason to make it that way.
ahh.... so day one of the DLC, some will automatically be upgraded to lvl 99 All-Stars based on lifetime earnings? Or is it a bigger scale than the first 99 lvls?
Well then clearly my understanding was wrong lol. And I do hope the required xp is much larger, because I've already got over 3x what the current 99 is...
I asked that question on Dev Night and Scathis said no. So unless they suddenly changed something, the same amount of money is required to get to 99 the second time (or third, fourth, ect.).
A few more questions: Where is your All Star rank displayed? On your protag? To the left of your normal rank? Are there different icons for every level? If so, what do they look like?
valid questions but if we've learned anything so far its that we probably won't know what they look like until the dlc. though i think it'll have to be directly next to your rank if the club tags work the way i think they do