So my stream had a vote and they wanted to see me scream... i couldn't say no because the kid that bought me the game just had his grandmother die and he really wants me to.... don't ask me why... streams are cruel! Nah he's really nice still though If anyone wants to hold my hand tomorrow, more than welcome to eek! Ahahaha It's scheduled for 9pm on the 28th Sydney/Canberra/Melbourne time.... Anyways, i'm going to prove that i'm scary and things don't scare me! Rawr! Anyways, @elodea @dom314 @Alpha2546 @.... well i don't know peoples handle on here... but I'LL PROVE I'M NOT CUTE! and that i'm scary mwahahahah! ^^ Anyways ahhaha... i'll just stop. =P Also whos excited for King of the Planet??? WOOO!!!! Sorry, hehe <3 Why does no one take me seriously, it's always i'm cute, never, you suck at pa >.> *sigh* hah oh well ^^
Well you *don't* suck at PA (well any more than *I* suck)... I guess the top 10 players can probably say we both suck but everyone else can *ahem I'll leave it there*
@cdrkf you're so sweet and lovely!!! Hehe @elodea if I had had power to heat you again I would YOU'RE SO MEAN I'M SCARY RAWR! (edit: yes i know get good, be a real asian=P heh) good luck with your games tonight =)
beat* typo, i was on my phone, ahhaha, but seriously, that was the most painful hour of my life >.> How can epople find it amusing?!?!?!!?
Its a really good game in that it genuinely builds suspense and fear like a well done film... I think the idea is its 'an experience' rather than 'fun'... I think isolation is a really good game, though not for the faint hearted... A scary Rawr monster such as yourself should laugh at such things though surely
it was not a freuden slip and omg the game was so scary! I was jumping at doors opening and lights turning on >.< eek! ahaha oh well ^^