Punk was kinda losing his steam anyways. Del Rio won and I'm happy. Kevin Nash returning was a mark out moment.
Next match Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio. Seriously, I can't believe they'd the belt away from him, writers.
Del Rio is such a great old-school heel. Like a Latino Bockwinkel/JBL. I resumed watching the last year or so when a lot of my buds from RoH were signed. Loving all this smart-mark stuff they've been doing.
I'm friends with one of the refs. We've done sketch comedy together & did a show with Claudio, Colt, Sara Del Rey, & the Osirian Portal from Chikara. I'm also in a few ROH on HDnet vignettes with Colt Cabana when he came back. I'm the dude with the crutches who's girlfriend is trying to steal his ****. Was totally stoked when Danielson was called up to the main roster. Tyler Black is in FCW right now & i'm wondering how they're going to use him. IMG_0203 by Karoshian, on Flickr
The only ROH original who I see succeeding in WWE is Danielson. CM Punk is already there. Tyler Black have 0 mic skills so I don't know if he'll make it but hey, John Morrison sucks in the mic but he's getting a decent push. Btw, Del Rio is just a generic "2010's" heel. He's just like The Miz, Dolph Ziggler and Christian. They use cheap lines like insulting the crowd's city to get heat from 12 year olds. There is only one good heel on the roster. None other than R Truth! And that is a "conspiracy"! Lol I'm a nerd.