Airstrike Under Cover

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Xanatros, October 25, 2010.

  1. Xanatros

    Xanatros New Member

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    Is anyone else still being killed by an airstrike while in the tunnel on LazeRazor?

    Also, I've had a few instances of hacking a turret, getting knocked back by a Jackbot missile, only to find that my hack skill is used, but the turret isn't hacked.
  2. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Both are known problems, both of which were reduced significantly in the last patch.
  3. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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    The airstrike under cover thing just really pisses me off though.
    The fact that it's something that they said would be fixed in the last update.
  4. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    In what situations are players still getting hit by air strikes while under cover? Before the patch there was an issue where the projectile could explode directly underneath cover, the most obvious situation being in the side tunnel in LazeRazor.

    If an air strike is thrown to the sides of an overhang, or near the entrances to a tunnel, the explosion will still reach under. If a player gets the air strike beacon attached to themselves they have only a few seconds to be standing directly under cover; even if you get under cover with out dying the air strike itself has some travel time and may have launched at a location outside of cover.

    Are their situations and places this is still happening? I haven't seen many complaints about this.
  5. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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    So this is an intentional feature then? My mistake. I always thought that was the glitch. I was under the impression that you were safe from airstrikes if you are under any type of ceiling (be it glass or whatever). I see people throw their airstrikes to the side/entrances (and I do it too) but I always thought this was the exploit.

    Well, this still happens but it seems to be very rare as it has only happened to me once or twice after the update. Can't really say how exactly it happened though.
  6. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    If the airstrike is placed next to the over hang/bridge/etc and the missile that comes down lands on the ground next to you, even if you have a ceiling over your head, why wouldn't it hurt you?

    I'm confused at why you are confused.
  7. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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    Actually, scratch that. I have a tendency to not use my common sense at times.
  8. Xanatros

    Xanatros New Member

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    It was LazeRazor, I was well underneath the tunnel... unless he pegged the airstrike on the outer ledge of the the tunnel, there's no way I could have been damaged by it. I wasn't by the entrance, I was running back away from it... was probably near the bend, middle of the walkway, killed my turret too.

    Next time I was there, I didn't get killed. Seems to be hit or miss :lol:
  9. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    LaseRazor tunnel still has a "soft spot" where you can be underneath and throw an airstrike to kill people in the tunnel.

    Since the update I have yet to be killed by an airstrike while I was under cover (aside from the tunnel I just mentioned), but it happened quite often previously.
  10. Xanatros

    Xanatros New Member

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    Guess I'll be avoiding that spot till the next update. (Or trying to find it if the devs haven't)
  11. Greg7777777

    Greg7777777 New Member

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    Had it happen to me today, got stuk by a support so I walked under the ring above the moneyball in Lazerazor. Bomb hit the floor above me and the explosion came through and killed me.
  12. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    The air strike lands before you die, which is why you can charge out of it, slam out of it, and even fall out of it. I'm pretty sure there is something wrong in the lazerazor tunnels though. I've been striked in the middle of the tunnel and my friend who plays support says he has done it to people here. It's only in a certain spot, but we're not exactly sure how it happens.
  13. Xanatros

    Xanatros New Member

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    Had it happen again today in a different area in LazeRazor. The bridge going from spawn area to annihilator. I'm pretty sure that the airstrike was supposed to hit the bridge, and I was under it. But I could always be mistaken. Perhaps it was on the edge, or the support threw an extra one that I didn't see.

    I'll see if I can reproduce it when I get the chance.

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